

Right. What girl doesn't want to grow up to be a rape victim, and the envy of all her friends?

The chief difference being that there is virtually no sleeveless men's business attire sold, whereas there is plenty of women's. So it's a bit like saying "requiring skirts to be a certain length applies equally to men and women." The letter of equality, yes. The spirit, no.

Whoa... their false accusation is that she got raped and therefore is an untrustworthy "whore"? Every time I think I'm too jaded to be shocked by things people say in Iran, man, they get me. Every damn time.

It's the closed eyes in a couple of the portraits that get me skeezed out. WHY ARE THEIR EYES CLOSED?!?

I think it's the hands resting on the wombs that does it

And where are the pictures of sons with their moms? Oh, that's right. Religious people don't give two shits if boys sleep with half the girls in the country, but GOD FORBID a girl sleep with ONE boy before marriage, then her value as a human being takes a nose dive.

When all the catholic girls in my hometown were getting purity rings, I sort of found myself wanting one. I was (am?) pretty materialistic although in the purity regards I suppose I'm "morally casual". Anyways, my dad bought me a ring and said "this ring should remind you that you're allowed to do whatever you feel

Attention world: penises are not magic. They are not capable of corrupting purity or pissing off deities.

Maybe it's just me, but all I can see are child brides in their wedding portraits. Those poses are super creepy and couple-y. Not how I looked when I posed with my dad at my wedding, or any pictures. Ergh.

I believe your citation is wrong. Should be Kate 6:9.

Some rapists know rape is bad and others don't always know it is, especially those perpetuating acquaintance rape. We don't live in a culture where the predominant cultural message around sex is "No means no", we live in a culture where the predominant message is "No is the start of a negotiation" and that attitude is

"to be present, to be aware of your surroundings, little things like that"

"Today I learned "fat" is not the same thing as "overweight" because REASONS." #themoreyouknow

I'm actually pretty upset that you've discovered this, because I've kept the truth hidden for so long. But perhaps your comment and my subsequent coming out will help me feel like myself again.

Hey Dana Brunetti ... I'mma let you finish, but it is illegal, unethical and a very bad business practice to hire or not hire employees based on their body size.

See, your problem started with the assumption that they're acting in good faith somehow. Having to wait 10 weeks and in the meantime "aging out" of eligibility is exactly the desired result.

I now know what the theme is for my next hipster fancy dress party - "Utah Teen Stud Life"