
I will say, Project Runway has its faults, but I can remember multiple contestants getting BLASTED by judges and especially Tim Gunn for acting as though dressing bigger-than-a-size-2-women is some impossible feat.

Someone who needs to have a better guardian figure in her life? Also, possibly a victim of stautory rape? Also, as many of us will recall, Middle School was full of rumours that this or that person was having sex and they pretty much never were. So I'd say there's also a solid change that that girl is suffering from a

I am going to STRAIGHT TO HELL for laughing.

This is the shit that happens when women aren't allowed reproductive choice. Fuck every religious pro life argument that shames women for having sex, or worse being raped, and then then believe they should be forced to carry pregnancies to term as punishment. Fuck them all straight to hell, I cannot even deal with

That's the pro-life Catholic Church for you- every fetus is a precious angel until it's bon.

Hahahahaha I KNOOOOOOWWWW but that's why I love it. It's so obviously fake and produced, and they're always SO BAD at pulling it off. I've discovered that there's nothing as hilarious to me as poorly-acted fake Canadian bickering.

To be fair, people really should shout "AVAST" more often.

Yeah. But did you see the butt shot in X-Men? Because that's almost inexplicable.

This is just a bit of fluffy fluff but I just got home from seeing X-Men and, sweet Jesus, is Hugh Jackman human?! I mean, does he have an overweight, aging portrait in the attic somewhere?

You're speaking to a group of women, many of which have been sexually assaulted. Rapists are no scare tactic that we employ; for us, they have names, faces, and very real lives that intertwine with our own.

I know where my rapist goes to school, and I know which bars he frequents. I know who he's friends with, and I

Maybe we can stop comparing HUMAN women to houses and cars and wallets and other OBJECTS. I am not a fucking car. I am not an expensive toy out there waiting to be stolen. I AM A HUMAN BEING.

This is awesome timing because my best sex was just a few weeks ago.

I had my sexual debut at 17, had two long term sexual relationships in high school, and experimented with one night stands and fuck buddies in college, bringing my number to 6 at age 21.

Then, this weird accidental period of celibacy happened for I

Oh, boy. Um. This isn't about me. This is about someone I was (and still am) with.

I don't know that biology makes you fall in love with your children. #notallhumans #notallhamsters

Well, I prefer to think we humans are a bit more evolved than the average tapeworm.

When I was visiting Utah I commented that I was surprised by the lack of private LDS schools. I was told they weren't necessary since "we own the public schools here." I don't think it was meant to be creepy but *shiver*.

Why the half measures, Utah?

I'm from Utah, and let me assure you that most Utahans masturbate to high school yearbooks and the visible shoulders and clavicles therein. It's our third biggest hobby after skiing and snowboarding.