
Because we can only criticize one thing at a time. Because we have to wait until it gets to stoning women to death to point out a problem. GTFO

What does it take to put one in the mindset to beat one's own daughter or sister to death with a brick?

The answer to all your questions is NO.

I'd like to rewrite Lysistrata where the women refuse sex to the men, the men righteously slaughter all of them in bloody well-deserved vengeance, and then bro-five each other and go out for brewskis.
The problem is, most people wouldn't get it was satire.


Emma, you're NEVER going to be able to get a job with an English degree. Trust me.

I wish I could be at Emma Watson's graduation party.

No you don't. But the difference is- we don't think you do.

This is so true. They're not sorry for harassing a woman, they're sorry for encroaching on another man's territory (at least seemingly so). I've encountered so many guys who wouldn't back off until I told them I was married. "Well why didn't you just say so, god, I wouldn't have bothered." Because it shouldn't matter!

With no due respect, fuck you. I don't need or want anything from men other than for them to leave me the fuck alone while I go about my business.

If you were "not up for consideration" as a boyfriend, it means that these women didn't want a relationship with you. Telling someone it's because "they're so nice" or "I just think of them as a friend" is a nice way of saying "I don't want sex or a romantic relationship from this person". The reason we use these

why can't we ask why young white men do most the mass shooting in our country? If middle aged black women were always the ones walking into shopping malls and taking down whoever they saw, there is no doubt in my mind there would be a severe crackdown on letting them buy guns AND severe suspicion wherever they went.

I've been catcalled while walking with my child, too. It's infuriating. Then I had some teenage boy corner me in a shop, asking me stupid questions like if I had boyfriend while his friends laughed. My five year old had to see the entire thing. It's obviously not sending him a positive message to see me being put in

After four years of hard, miserable work, I have finally hit my goal weight of 175 lbs. In August of 2010 I had bariatric lapband surgery. I weighed 412 lbs on the day of my surgery, my BMI was almost 70. The lapband is generally not recommended for people who have over 100 pounds to lose but the more radical

Yes, but I'd also be insulting him the entire time. I have a feeling he'd totally be into that.

Here in Iran we have a lot of problems starting from our stupid irrational laws to the corrupt people in power. But I feel like I have to explain how life in our country is for foreigners all the time, because they make unreal assumptions about it. Drinking is illegal, having sexual relation outside of marriage is

Given the choice between a public flogging and not being able to wear a veil, which would you pick? When was the last time a European government had a muslim woman flogged? The western world isn't perfect but please stop with the BS, it's nowhere as bad as anything you would get in an Islamic country.

It is my actual beat. Go change your diaper.

Voter Fraud Barbie should be an empty box.