
Remember the to-do after the election and before inauguration about Eric and Ivanka donating their time selling access to themselves as an alleged fundraiser, and when called out about it they cancelled it and made a lot of passive aggressive commentary about just wanting to help kids with cancer? I’m not surprised if

I’m willing to bet it’s because some websites are so desperate for content that they’ll freelance contract with anyone that’s somewhat well known just to draw in whatever readers follow them. Note that 3 of the 4 reviews in question were each on different sites. He stays employed by bouncing to whoever is willing to

He absolutely does not deserve to keep his show after this. It pays to remember that the reason he ended up on HBO is because it was largely immune to the kind of advertiser boycotts that sunk his prior show.

Bill’s had to apologize before, it always comes across as insincere and condescending, and yet things like this

It’s hard to get white liberals to line up behind any one thing, but please try to remember there are plenty of white liberals out there that want to see his show canceled.

She’s her daughter, so consider it an iteration on the original.

I dunno, I prefer them having some weekend shows (with different people than weekdays) as they do, and re-runs of the most important shows of the week, and filling out their time that way, than I do 48 hours straight of Lockup and Dateline episodes.

She tends to be smart and level headed when used as a talking head about legal matters, and I enjoy watching her, but one of the more dangerous places to be is in between her and a camera when she gets a new client.

I’m sure she’ll be fine, she’s just been working her ass off since before the inauguration and the long succession of big news on Friday afternoon was getting to her. It can’t be easy doing all the prep she does, and having 1-3 shows a week tossed out to start over because of a breaking story at 6pm.

That should be her job title now. Hell I’d love to have that as my job title.

Nice No True Scotsman fallacy. Thanks for playing, I’m done with you.

He’s the one person alive in this with the moral authority to judge, so I think I’ll listen to that guy. The emotional trauma they went through defies simple accounting, and they’re going to need support of the medical, legal, and educational varieties at least. Even in a perfect world where no one bothered them

I can’t even begin to describe how much I needed this today.

I’d be fine with the model if it wasn’t so often abused as a way to push the stuff they couldn’t get right before launch. Hell, even if they admitted the first part of their service plan was going to be stuff that couldn’t get done, with the express intent to fix real flaws in the initial product, I’d be happier (I’m

To be fair, that ship sailed when they decided to build a racetrack there. Anything left behind after is just the cherry on top.

Come up with a new way for a rep to have face to face contact with his constituents and I’ll consider this one obsolete. They spend more than enough time away from home or only talking to people who give them scads of money, there needs to be at least something where the average person can somewhat easily get out and

I think what you’re trying to illustrate is when “this group too” becomes “this group first because they have/had it worse” which admittedly happens all too often, but is something that is NOT inevitable and can be watched for and avoided. The simple truth is, these groups are minorities, and need to work together to

If it’s not specifically personal, then it’s specifically racist. He’s screwed either way.

Personally I’m hoping when he goes in for the creep hug on a woman, she does a judo throw.

Pence has at least a half dozen cases of outright lying about Flynn and/or campaign connections to Russia. This either means he’s a dupe or an accomplice, and since he was in charge of the transition the former is hard to prove.

If he does somehow end up president in light of that, he’ll be hamstrung by national