There’s only an obligation if you have relevant expertise or no one else is available. If it turns out they were ER nurses, then I’d have beef with them leaving, but as it stands their first obligation was to get to safety.
There’s only an obligation if you have relevant expertise or no one else is available. If it turns out they were ER nurses, then I’d have beef with them leaving, but as it stands their first obligation was to get to safety.
Self defense 101 is to get somewhere safe whenever possible. With the guy on the loose and guys 3 guys in various states of bleeding to death next to them, unless they had medical expertise their first obligation was to get safe then talk to the police after. If there were other material witnesses to the attack, their…
This is why if you plan/decide to help people, you need to be exceptionally careful about how you go about it. Have an escape route. Try it from a distance if possible. De-escalate. Don’t assume the fact that there are more of you than them will work out in your favor (a weapon changes that faster than you can blink,…
I actually think this is a lot closer to the truth.
I would have pointed out that impeachment proceedings in Congress don’t follow criminal procedure and rules of evidence, and thus innocent until proven guilty doesn’t particularly apply.
Treason can most definitely exist without a state of war, so I wouldn’t hang your hat on that. Besides, we’re talking about giving information to the press, and only that. Treason is still potentially on the table for other things.
Gotta love people who don’t understand the definition of treason.
I’d be a lot more content with load times in an RPG if they did something like let me fiddle with my UI or Inventory during loading. I almost ways take stock of what I’m carrying and how much I can do, or how to efficiently knock stuff off my quests/map. If I could do that during forced downtime instead of adding…
corollary to ‘tie a tie’ is ‘use a tie clip’ because normal humans don’t FUCKING SCOTCH TAPE THEIR CLOTHES TOGETHER as part of their everyday deal!
It happened early enough to make it on the 6pm news I think, and at least the late news and tomorrow morning. The election already had some heavy local interest from what I’ve heard, so I think it will get some people out to vote and drive some others to stay home if they’re pissed at Gianforte.
State legislatures tend to be more willing to say fuck it and go whole hog. The federal office holders generally realize that doing that will kill their party for decades to come, and I doubt they’re willing to risk that.
I’m far less worried about Pence or Ryan becoming president than I was. If they came in riding a real wave of GOP popularity, they’d be scary as hell. Coming in un-elected and with all semblence of political power and goodwill squandered by a massive failure of Trump, they won’t be able to get much of anything done.
After the election ripping my heart out and shitting in the hole, I’m not ready to get my hopes up yet. The GOP Congress is consistently one thing- craven. Until someone can convince them the only way to preserve the party is to impeach this guy, we’ll hear a lot of sturm and drang, but nothing much will happen.
Tonight Rachel Maddow also reported that one of Kasowitz’s major clients is a Russian state-run bank.
Methinks you’re trying way too hard to give him the benefit of the doubt.
My feelings about this added tidbit just enhance the way I felt after the first apology tour article the other day. The fact that I had blocked out the horror connected to the thought that this happened 12 years ago, and not just a couple like my brain tried to tell me in an effort to spare me, just makes me ill.
Or in Melania’s case maybe holding his tiny hands just reminds her how tiny other things are.... like his earlobes.
I love how the script has flipped, for years it was ‘Donald is a germaphobe who doesn’t like contact’ and nowadays it is clear that he’s just really horrible at shaking hands and holding hands and no one really wants to do it with him. Makes me think the original was the cover story, and he’s just been really bad at…
I can’t find a copy of their dress code, but I’m still willing to bet money that this kind of shirt would be completely acceptable, and that there was a nonzero number of boys wearing them that day. You and your ‘better way’ can take a long walk off a short pier, along with all gender biased dress codes.
I bet she also said “do you know who I am!?”