
As a huge Dragon Ball Fan this is just EPIC. It makes me appreciate the series a lot more. Sean Schemmel got so much into character I thought he was gonna have an aneurysm.

As a Mormon I can say that most religions would receive fairly warm ratings from me. One exception being Evangelical Christians, since they are the source of the majority of anti-Mormon rhetoric out there. It's pretty funny to recognize that, as believers, we all believe in some pretty crazy things. That's faith.

If you look ip the definition of a cult most religions fit the definition. My problem is this:

BTW this is a System Software Update not a Firmware Update. The difference boils down to how the data is stored and updated. Both PS4 and XB1 store the OS on the Hard Drive. While both do have Firmware, they do not utilize them for store the entire OS anymore.

You can be a fan of a product without worshipping it. What was that you said last week about talking down to your audience?

What do you expect ? it's not 1990 anymore! games aren't supposed to be fun (anymore). They are either art, or serious sports, or political/social statements ! ;)

Calling the trolls harassing her "rational debate" is indeed insulting to rational debate. But the issue is that the attempts at rational debate also get labeled as harassment/misogyny/trolling by the SJW crowd who apparently can't fathom that anything Anita would say might be factually incorrect or even debatable.

While the PS4 is certainly the "sexiest" of the 3 current-gen consoles, I'm not sure how well the design will hold up in coming years. The Wii U is pretty nondescript, and the Xbox One looks exactly how it should look (given that it's essentially a pared-down receiver with a gaming processor built in), but the PS4

A gaming news site, commenting on a recent scandal involving improper conduct with gaming journalists. Handled quite professionally by the author here. What's the problem?

"Only comments from approved commenters — those who are followed by Jezebel — will automatically be visible."

Does this mean that we're going back to the starred system? Once a commenter is "approved", his/her comments automatically become visible (the same way the current system works) for all articles?

I understand

I've had it for about a week and it works just like you'd expect. The only games it added to my account were Fifa 14 and Madden (as I already owned the others, but at least I can trade in my BF4 now?).


Here's a much better attempt by artist bloochikin on deviant art. Hers actually manages to keep the fun and off kilter personalities of the characters instead of turning them into generic and bland fashion models.

Haven't you always been able to buy games from Xbox.com though?

"I'm not stuck in here with you; YOU'RE STUCK IN HERE WITH ME!"

Lead Designer

I addressed this issue when it was brought up in a previous response.

I'm glad they haven't given up on getting the James Webb up there before Hubble crashes into the Satellite of Love.