Hi, Lemony Vengeance here. How’s it going? Just came in here to tell your you’re wrong. Like INCREDIBLY wrong.
THANK YOU. My sentiment exactly.
integrated power supply.
oh look, kotaku finally reports on it.. as an editorial blaming gamergate for making her life awful. I should start betting on sports and use this future telling to make some money.
a reporter is unbiased and reports on facts only.
a blogger, or editorialist is not bound by the same unbiased constraints that reporters are expected to abide by, and can call on people’s emotions as well as give opinions and cast judgement on people.
This is the core problem with modern games “journalism” (and to a…
and yet, this is gamergate’s fault(?)
seriously, why has accountability for one’s actions vanished from first world culture?
turns out she was fired for breaking the law.. as a prostitute.
but does he still like fish sticks?
cool story, bro.
Arigato, Kojima-san.
yes we did.
and don’t call me Shirley.
I’m friends with Rot. He's a Nutter, for sure.
Patience, or pent up frustration? I’d say a little bit of column A, a WHOLE LOT OF column B.
Either way, I’m not the one driving her crazy, so I’m not concerned about my personal safety. Plus the steak is the most tender meat I’ve ever had the privilege of consuming.
My mother “forks” the steak by repeatedly stabbing it with a common dinner fork for 5 or so minutes, then seasons and grills. Best meat ever.
...and it’s gone.
...and it’s gone.
There are some REALLY AWFUL people in the world.
I never said it wasn't pre-rendered, asshole. I was providing the initial poster some insight as he did not watch the demo. The Gizmodo post also helps support what I had to say, that this exists, and that what was conveyed in this pre-rendered video is not only possible, but real. Try reading the post. You know, left…
pre rendered?