
My expectation is that it will be a good - even great - game

is it x

Anyone who purchases over 50 Macbooks is obviously blinded to the fact that there are other much better options out there.

This is one case where I am quite certain the movie will be better than the book, because the underlying story of Ready Player One is fine, the way it was told was like bad 80s fanboy fanfiction.

Thanks for the video. I guess that was too tough to find to embed in article. *eyeroll.*

This site created the mess, she was fired for a legit reason and Kotaku made it into the mess.

Also, Kotaku is a blog. This guy is not a reporter, he is a blogger.

That’s the problem with Kotaku readers; they’re too stupid to realize that this is a blog site.

No apologies here, the headline is ridiculous. She was fired as she was moonlighting. The headline here, ‘The mess that came after Nintendo fired...’.

He’s not reporter, he’s a blogger.

But it’s all about transparency in games journalism!

Boy did this thing turn into a big heaping mess. So now that there’s some pretty damning evidence out there in regards to Rapps second job I don’t think any would disagree that she deserves to have been fired. The sad part is that so many sites including this one were so eager to blame nintendo for giving into gg and

You see... I would have preferred a trailer like this over the one we got over a month ago, but that’s just me.

Windows 10 is not available for the Raspberry Pi. Windows 10 IOT Core is available for the Pi, it is not the Windows 10 operating system. It’s a server that lets you load load software into the Raspberry Pi that was developed on a Windows 10 environment.

“And as I walked away my ears caught a metallic sound of a can rolling toward my feet. The silver and blue glinted in the sunlight like the tears of Osiris. As my strained eyes brought into focus the red bull on its surface I felt cold steel pressed against my occiput.

I tried this based on America’s Test Kitchen’s recommendation. It works, especially to get the salt deeper into the meat (if you put anything but salt and pepper on your steak then you can go back to the USSR with the rest of the commies).

I don’t know that it has any effect on the tenderness of the meat, but I found

Fork me, that sounds delicious!

I find it interesting how hostile people are towards Mormons. The only reason I can think of as to why anyone would ridicule another's religious beliefs are that they are a sad, pathetic individual who has no real respect for themselves, let alone anyone else.

There isn't any specific doctrine of where Jesus lives. Abraham 3:2-3,13 mentions "Kolob", which is described as a star near to the throne of God. However, there is no doctrine of where Kolob is, where the throne of God is, etc., so interpret it how you will. The Pearl of Great Price, a book of LDS/Mormon scripture

The long answer: in LDS scripture, Abraham gets an astronomy lesson. Sort of. In it he is told of planet (possibly star) named Kolob that is described as a bunch of things including nearest the residence of God... ("near unto me"). Some Mormons interpret that as the place where God lives. I personally think it's