
This is sudoku.

Nope. Disney took elements from this movie

It's their product. It's fine…

I would argue any arcade cabinet being sold for $20 would probably not be worth the hassle to obtain it.

No, I think a Republican government would act just the same, thus why I didn't vote for a Republican President.

Really, bluetooth has spotty audio quality,and is easily interfered with by other frequencies. Its perfectly fine for a phone call in a car or something like that but as proved by the crap audio quality on PSN it has no place in a console.

As someone who games extensively online on both consoles, I can say i despise the inconsistency and quality of Bluetooth on PSN compared to the cheap as hell, but works fantastically, 360 headsets. Give me shitty cheap wired ones anyday over the BT ones on PS3... imo.

If "Vast and interconnected environments" == Strider + Metroidvania, count me in.

I thought it said Rez 2, then I realized Child Of Eden was out already.

Oh well.

The only major thing the new Xbox gamepad needs to add is a properly-functioning D-pad. Period.