
My cousin was an engineer on this project. Picking his brain after NASA let him go was AMAZING!

booby tassels.

lends a new meaning to HUMAN-CYBORG RELATIONS.



What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on so early?


QQ guys,

I saw a dreamcast kiosk in that gamestore..

Shenmue 3

grumblings of an old player in the sunset of his career.

seconded. I saw the title pic and thought "how did they get Zune on the iPad without me knowing?"

Is it me, or is there something a bit more VISIBLE in the pic with the green dress?

I had a chance to meet Ken Levine and have a short discussion with him.. He's a stand-up guy, and a true gentleman.

Cindo de Mayo? You mean, another excuse to drinko?

Hey ash, whatcha playin?


+10 points to you, sir! Made me LOL!

You can't drink just Six.