
don't worry, I like to eat dessert first as well.

First I was all,


poor comparison. It's more like combining a toaster and an oven, and we all know the toaster oven is pretty bad ass.

good to see another utahn on Giz!

Not true, comcast bought G4 and made it exclusive.

What a Harry Plinkett wannabe...

Really, shepard?

the website lists him as an advisor..

My cousin is an engineer working for this company! Super Excited!

you can thank the MS/Sega collaboration on the original Xbox for that one. There's a reason the xbox is called the "dreamcast 2"...


I've got an extra Dell Venue Pro if you want it.

What is he playing on... a Blast City or a (new) Astro City?

Go fondle your iPhone, App-hole.

dude, I'm a GFWL supporter. I think it's just so easy to hate MS these days, that's why people do it.

True, but will their heart be in it? nope. Only their penis... or the horse's. Either way, someone/thing is getting screwed.

don't get me wrong, I own a WP (HD7) and have since launch day so I'm drinking the kool aid. The issue is this is the FIRST reason people have given me when they start complaining about it. I retort that it's has the fastest growing Marketplace/app store in mobile computing history (because it does).

I don't use steam and have only used GFWL so I give all the haters a big