
Me too!!!!! I'm flying solo though. Wife doesn't want to go (Inorite?)

it's a good fuckin' thing I bought mine on may 5th! DAMN! I feel good!

Biiiiiiiitch please...

Some correction here:

Damnit. Why do they have to throw Gorge Romero in my face? Now I MUST own Black ops so I can play this.

Gee, I'm real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky.

Gee, I'm real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky.

realized this after posting. sorry bro!

Not Master Chief. From wikipedia:

Lax security is just as much to blame as the hacker that walked through their defenses. Case in point. An unlocked car isn't considered "broken into" by law enforcement (Learned from my own experience).

Really disappointed that there was ZERO BOOBIE JIGGLE in that animated gif.

how about:

I agree, all companies do bad. The real question is, how do they react to criticism? Apple disavows, Google pushes through and does whatever they chose, MS did as google did, untill recently (after vista).

May I reffer you to this post:

Never said I was a fan of google (and yes, I knew this was happening with them AND WP7)

ane what amazes me is that despite this HORRIFFIC violation of privacy and trust, people will continue to revear big brother even more for their "openess" and "honesty" with this disclosure.

lol, can't be behind if it's the only servers left online, but I agree. Meseta farming and sales were rampant even before AotI came out, and I can only imagine that it's going to be worse now.

"Apple CEO Steve Jobs recently sent an email to a concerned customer, writing, "We don't track anyone. The info circulating around is false."

I seriously cannot wait for this. If this game doesn't get a console release I will be really upset. PSU is still going strong on the 360, even after PS2/PC servers were shut down.

now that's a BSoD I can sink my teeth into!