
Really? Your opinion is ignored. #fanboy

Anyone else here feel like Android is the Wild West of application development and sales? I can't believe that Google isn't getting involved in this..

I don't see how more steam users on the PS3 mean more money for them, beyond the copy of portal 2 for the PC. Sony would be Bat shit insane if they allowed game sales through steam on their platform. It would defeat the purpose of the PSN store.

45 Minutes, to be exact (or close to 45 minutes).

My cousin is working on this project. it's been awesome to get behind the scenes updates from him. the pictures he's sending me are AMAZING.

lets see what dictionary.com's definition of Hypocrite is:

By your logic (which is poor), both iOS and Android are ports of WM 2003 and 6.0. According to you Apple and Google both took MS's mobile solution and said "how can we cash in on this?"

Get out of my head or I will start charging you rent.

Let me correct myself.

I'm curious to see what sony payed Gabe Newell to make him pull a complete 180 about developing for the PS3, and what Microsoft's opinion on this is.

Very little has been ported to WP7. A good majority of the applications are unique.

WP7 did it first (live tiles). Don't even need to make it look like the Email alert, either.

You're talking out of your ass. Here's where you're wrong.

You're talking out of your ass. Here's where you're wrong.

Yawn. Coming from the most Apple friendly site next to computerworld.

Good thing I'll be at PAX this year!

You go Capcom! now that your Idea man is gone, it's time to milk that cash cow! Milk her till she's dry, just like the resident evil franchise!

A #NSFW tag would have gone well on this, but the title should have explained it all.

lol. agree. I was sad when it went to live action.

I agree. what a dick.