
Having worked this gig long ago, and considering the size of their operations, having only 21 suits filed in 25 years seems rather low. Working security for events featuring thousands of drunken idiots is an impossible task. Then when something happens, 100% of the time the aggrieved party “wasn’t doing anything.” I

Hmm. Maybe I need to talk slowly here.

Having played each other for over 100 years but not playing each other during WW2 aren’t mutually exclusive things. In fact, in this case, both are true!

Last word belonged to Charles Woodson until Jim Nantz opened his dick hole to ruin it.

“threatened to be the most disappointing Christmas tie since millions of suburban dads opening poorly-wrapped gifts from their kids”

Yeah, not so much. Most of the time, you’re alternately bored or being amazed at the dumb shit drunks will do or say. Of course, you could also be carding people too young to get in, then listening to them as they beg you to break the law and let them in. Or, you could be escorting people out who think the bathroom is

Having dealt with this numerous times in the bar business, no way you let her in. First, liability. Second, police or ambulance gets called you get named in the SLA report. Third, fuck off and bleed to death for all I care if you’re the type of asshole who gets in fights while drunk.

That isn’t what he said. (Or at least the way I see it) “He is astonishingly well-read”, not “It is astonishing that he is well-read”

Because he’s an athlete. Why are you creating a false narrative that this insightful comment is somehow politically incorrect? Did you read his passage in the aforementioned column? It was brilliant. The question was, why do people not talk about Kareem the scholar? And your idiotic and inane response was, why is

Gainesville cops catch the ball, but don’t really do anything with it.

Like RB Antonio Andrews, who said playing in Nashville feels like playing on the road.

I wholeheartedly agree.

I don’t hear Rodgers defending Norwegians when fans chant “VIKINGS SUCK”!

Honestly, I’ve come to the realization that Australians are just good old redneck Americans without any traces of evangelical conservatism. So quite fun(ny).

“What you’re seeing is smoke from the fireworks being set off around the area, all of them amateur displays.”

As a Pats fan who knows his team has engaged in shady stuff...part of me loves that teams are always so paranoid about them. If you’re entering the game thinking the Pats already know what you’re doing, you’ve already lost.

Judging from the avalanche of replies, I suspect my ignorance of NHL history may have been revealed. Can I spin this as a KenM tribute?