
I invite you to visit a sports blog or message board.

There are plenty of criticisms of free trade from all across the ideological spectrum. In any case, I didn't express any nostalgia for trade barriers, but just mocked Thomas Friedman, who would yell, "Lower trade barriers and kill people!" if you asked him what the White Sox should do about their bullpen this winter.

Via MotherJones (http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/201…) "The problem with this story is that employer sanctions are not in effect for 2014. In other words, the Cubs will not be penalized for not providing their ground crew with insurance this year even if they work more than 30 hours per week. Apparently the Cubs

To save money, the team has decided to end each season in September.

you should let Lew Toller know about this opportunity

I'm a Browns fan, too, and I don't want to see the Browns.

Correction: you don't want to see the Browns.

I am confident that Ms. Kerr will see my side in this matter. Jeans are good for multiple wears between washes unless in the case of a) something other than water spilling on them b) peeing/ejaculating/shitting in one's pants c) having intense jungle butt/swamp ass.

Nope. I was too busy finding strangers in the Alps.

My favorite part is the Sabres coming to their senses in 2010 and reverting to the original logo.

Whoa, whoa, whoa... let's not get crazy. Cardigans are hot.

If I recall correctly, it required some work around to use Netflix without being signed in. I don't remember what it was, but it wasn't hard - just inconvenient. Since it was so inconvenient (or people had alternatives), people just went to watching Netflix on their Wiis, computers, or whatever.

If only he could have drove with those on his car down Chippewa Street.

Hey Mike Vick might have slaughtered innocent puppies with his bare hands but at least he didn't love another human being.

but Bills fans should remain skeptical until any new owners commit to something concrete.

When Thwomps come crashing down, and you shrink in size /

Because that wasn't the purpose of the video. The title pretty clearly conveys the videos purpose: to explain why we thought it worked. It _clearly_ did not intend to explain why it (allegedly) didn't work. The video was about psychology, not electronics.

"What do you call a chili dog in France?" "You call it a 'chien de piment.'" "Huh, chien de piment..."

Now playing

Eh. Mark's okay, but I prefer Game Grumps.