
magic cards have value in the sense that you actually have it in your possession, it has art, it can be played with, and it has natural scarcity because it can’t be easily infinitely reproduced. That’s all not the case with NFTs. With NFTs you have to rely on a third party server, where the asset the NFT points to is,

You cant play video games without a device that can play video games. You however can do everything nfts can do, without the blockchain. It’s also terribly regulated (or rather not) , leading to many scams and stolen art. Not to mention that creating scarcity in a medium where it isn’t necessary, is a terrible idea.

thank you!
Yeah MMOs just have a kind of gameplay that doesn’t appeal to her, but maybe it’ll work out. The other worry is the subscription cost, since we have so infrequently time to play. (She can still do trial, but I have to pay since I bought the original release)

it’s funny because completely unrelated to endwalker, I finally convinced my girlfriend that we should try FF14 together. Something I’ve been wanting to do again for the past 10 years (played the original release. Not for long)

On the other hand imperial measurements really help with making a setting feel ancient and unnatural. :P

Loved the Forspoken trailer and been looking for just that article here :P. Definitely my highlight of the showcase

I do like what they showed... buuut I can’t get over the shiny green butt

I still mainly buy retail copies. I like having discs, but also my account is from one country and I live in another one. And there doesn’t seem to be a way to change its country. Not sure if I tried attaching my credit card (I guess I did), but it sure won’t take local gift card codes. And I’m not going to make an

I don’t really get the art direction they’re going for. It’s not like the game cover, so that’s already weird. It feels like they’re going for something specific, but falling short, or like it needed quite a bit more polish to make it really work. What jumped out most to me too was the repeating water texture, which

I mean, at 7 hours long, that could be the main game to me. I don’t need endless hours of random stuff.

nnnnot the best sale-tactic there, but I will take the advice under consideration :P

I have the first 3, finished the first. Too scared to start the second one :P

I mean, on the one hand, wow, effing scammers, what the heck with these knock-offs.
On the other hand, I wouldn’t be able to afford such an expensive cat backpack, and kinda appreciate there’s some cheaper shoddier versions out there?

Pico makes an amazing cat backpack though.

this is about “your” company. Aka, you’re giving them your work, not your money (they’re technically the ones giving you money). Sure you could just not work for them, but that might not be an option. So here’s an article trying to help you with it.

this is about “your” company. Aka, you’re giving them your work, not your money (they’re technically the ones giving you money). Sure you could just not work for them, but that might not be an option. So here’s an article trying to help you with it.

that’s a very good point, and I hope the same (and also I selfishly think “dangit, I need more money” :P But true, I also need the advocacy. Like, specially with how things are going right now)

I love how there’s all these things and initiatives for queer people, but I a queer person don’t get any of it. At best I can pay a bunch of money to get something in rainbow colors and that money will for a small percentage go to some organization or other that I don’t know.

That said, I want all the things in

I’ve never played Need for Speed in multiplayer, except when taking turns or that one time we got one of the Undergrounds to run in a lan party. So seeing them disappear due to servers makes me really sad. Specially since Carbon and Undercover are the last one I played until picking it up again with Payback and Heat

This is pretty concerning, specially how it’s happening across so many sites. Like, yeah, get rid of the illegal stuff, you already were supposed to, but... like, the majority of the population is adult. And heck it’s not like sexually explicit content is straight up bad for teens. We just need to frame it correctly,

Considering many bought FF7 before there was a PS5 or heck even more recently as there’s only a small chance of managing to get one, I’d hope they’d release the Yuffie episode as a standalone as well. As they had done already with FF15 Comrades, and Insomniac did with Miles Morales.