
It’s such a shame the Power Rangers 2017 movie didn’t get a sequel. The suits and Zords looked IMHO terrible, but still the movie itself was really good.

An off button is not going to help queer kids trying to find out about themselves, who have bigoted parents who turn this on to spy on their kids

a note for people arguing that it’s democrats in control of california. Well, yeah, democrats do also enact right-wing policies, which is why by global standards they’re more like center-right and have been drifting rightward still.

Not to mention, the San Francisco Bay Area has been battered by homelessness and drug issues.”
Which is more than proven to be exacerbated by right wing policies and can be solved by simply giving them housing.

That’s horrifying. A junior dev can grow into a senior dev, ChatGPT can’t! How are we supposed to get new experts if we don’t give them the opportunity? How are we supposed to keep talent if we don’t have anyone to learn from the current experts before they leave for good?
The shortsightedness of current leadership is

I mean, in the end, it’s as good as asking a random stranger if they could quickly google up some information for you. Sure, they might give you the right info, but you just can’t know for sure.

I loved Riri in the comics, so I’ve been so sad to feel like her show just got forgotten.
And heck with all the teen young avengers/champions heroes, at some point they kinda age out of being “young” avengers.

Because it’s not “but does it cure cancer?” it’s more comparable to “but does it still cause cancer, like the previous version did?”
And yeah, it would be nice to find out if the new iphone still used slave-labor or if they fixed it with this new one, because it’s a genuine problem with the current one and really

Okay but does it still use an enormous amount of energy and water, and is built on material that was taken without consent nor paid licenses for where applicable?

Anecdotally, switching from testosterone to estrogen made me much more sensitive to cold, but it’s also what I’ve heard from other trans people.

sure, okay, go do that. I think my empathy has finally been exhausted.

I do want more ant-man/stature. Just go back to small scale (heh) focused on the family interacting with each other, being cute and wholesome, loads of scale hijinks, potentially in some kind of heist movie variation. And don’t forget about the non-powered supporting cast. Both of the first movies got it right.

I genuinely didn’t know Threads was still going, and surprised that Twitter/X hasn’t wholly collapsed!

Okay? So we agree things suck, there’s plenty of reason to be unhappy, and things need to change

millenials gotta work more to have less, with 0 expectations of being able to have/support a family and barely themselves, and no chance of owning anything. Such a mystery why millenials are unhappy

Dunno, if I like the setting (which seems to be the case going by ancillary material), gameplay, and story, I’ll play it a couple of times like I’ve done with other co-op PvE games. And like with some who have both PvE and PvP, I might dabble in the PvP side due to my friends.
Overwatch 2 WAS supposed to be the PvE

yeah, I dislike PvP, but would’ve been interested in a story-focused PvE mode to (potentially) play with friends.

I kept being told “now it gets good!”. It does indeed getter better with the expansions, though it’s a bit uneven. The one expansion that really grabbed me was Shadowbringers, aka the third expansion.

Personally I feel it’s good as it is (but I do think that their ARR duty reworks really have oversimplified them, losing some cool mechanics). That said, I don’t have the time to spend hours and hours trying the same thing again. I just want to hang with friends, and experience story, interspersed with the duties and

My parents bought an EV and I was shocked that everything on the dashboard has been reduced to two screens. One of them a touchscreen that you have to browse through to get to the settings you want. Why!? Buttons are good. Tactile interfaces are good! All I want from an EV is the exact same thing as my non EV, but