

Yes. Is the game multiplayer or one that I’d generally check in regularly with (like Animal Crossing), then I get digital. If it’s a singleplayer campaign, then I get a physical version, but only after a year or two when an “ultimate” or “GOTY” edition comes out. I still like having my shelf of games, and I like being

yes, he has little influence, he still is influencing people though.

Anyway, my point was solely that there were plenty of Nazis who didn’t kill anyone and yet what they did and believed was still horrible, and had to be “cancelled”.

Before getting to the killing of people they started with saying stuff like TenNapel says. Not to mention plenty of Nazis were civilians who didn’t go around killing people, and instead only spouted bigoted stuff, supporting what Hitler and his ilk were doing.

mhm yeah it’s not really drawing me either. If it had cross-platform or local co-op, I could maybe try it, as it would be fun to play with my girlfriend, but eh, guess not.

True about the romance, although I specifically just meant that my bi Kassandra was way more into the women in the game and had more options.
Good question about Aya’s skin tone. We don’t really have much to go on. Could very well be that it’s just a bias among the artists, but it could just as well be that it was a

Man, when the UbiArt Framework games came I was so excited. It felt so fresh and interesting. Heck we then also got Grow Home and such. It was all so promising.

I did really really enjoy playing as Bayek. He had a great story and I feel his loss and roaming aimlessness was a great fit for that kind of open world game. Still, that doesn’t change that it’s a friggin atrocity that it was supposed to be an Aya game mainly and it was shot down.

Never thought about the gay Alexios

I’m not in the US, so Target and Best Buy aren’t options. I’ll have to check around here what there is.

Had checked my PSPs not long ago and they were fine. Now they are very much not fine.
ssssooooo, what do I do with these things now?
How do I dispose of the batteries and can I still play the PSP without the battery?

I have to think of how the UI changed from Dragon Age Origins to Dragon Age 2. DA:O’s UI had some flair to it which contributed to the vibe of the setting, but DA2 removed most of that for a cleaner screen. I see why they did that, but I simply prefer the UI to have some personality and add to the game’s visual feel.

It’s weird, maybe it’s because of when THPS3 came in my life, but I didn’t really connect with it, making THPS2 my fav. Both PC and GBA versions

Yeah I’m assuming she earns some royalties (unlike the devs), even if not, depending on how well this game does influences if there’s gonna be another one with the HP license.

Dunno. But I’m sure not giving her more, specially if there’s any chance she uses any of that money against trans people

Yeah, the game seems to be right up my alley, and the magical school fantasy is something I love, but no way do I want to give Rowling any more money. I’m really sorry for the developers.

So it’s the same reason why a friend is making gameboy games and ported some more modern indies to NES. Because he wants to see if he can.

well the constraint is important to me. Of course you can find plenty of short games in the indie realm, but honestly sometimes people just want to experience a blockbuster. It’d be weird to tell most people with full-time jobs “whelp, guess you can only watch indie movies” then. (don’t forget a huge part of media is

find the smaller games.” Well that’s the hard part really. There aren’t many short big budget “must-play” games. There need to be enough games for different people. Heck there’s as many or more people with full-time jobs playing video games than people without.

honestly? It looks really good to me and I want it!

yeah, that’s understandable, this year has been quite the century