
How about...I thought it was just a white paper plate on the counter, but I rested my hand on it and discovered nearly an inch of heroin.

I think it is swell how the folks who support these deportations are also the ones who tell me all of our country’s problems are because of the degradation of the “family” unit. Neat.

But cc’s are the metric system.
Is you european communist?

“Wow, what is in that cup?” Anderson asked quietly.

Looks kinda like Buffy takes on Nature or something. And she saved us from at LEAST 6 apocalypses so, hey, we're good.

Well back in the day when you never knew if god was going to punish the world with another flood, you’d WANT the school to be on high ground. The children are our future!

Yup teacher sounds totally reasonable here. Like nothing about this assignment sounds like it needed to be done in school. The only legit complaints would be from kids without access to computers or the internet, and I hope she’d accommodate those students.

It probably doesn’t help that the current lumbersexual fad has resulted in a bunch of men who just look like they could chop wood then toss you over their shoulder and take you to bed, but in actuality wouldn’t know a trunk ax from a twig hatchet and have the upper body strength of my ninety-one-year-old arthritic

The show LOST proved to me I don’t have a type. I wanted to bone Sawyer, Sayid, Jin, Guyliner, and the dude who turned into the Smoke Monster at varying points during the show.

Whenever my dad complains about how my generation is the worst (apparently snow days are for suckers and he can’t say gay or retarded anymore, and it’s all because our elementary school teachers weren’t allowed to punch us or something?), I’ve started saying, “well, we’re just living in the world your generation

I’m already imagining him being called out and the first thing he says in his defense is “What, I was just joking around!” And then ‘something, something, women are sensitive’ being mumbled grumpily.

Yup, Kasich gets the “moderate” appellation from national news only because the rest of his friends in the clown car is so fucking insane. He’s anti-choice, and it’s clear from this article why.

If it was a legitimate question I’m sure the candidate has ways of, you know, shutting the whole thing down.

BASICALLY! Haha,I really wasn't trying to mean or incite this piling onto gella though and I'm by no means a huge Kim k fan - I'm pretty neutral on her but I was just trying to say hey! No need to be mean. This really wasn't my intent at all but a+ comment really!

I have a friend that just had a baby, she loves her son, had a fairly easy pregnancy and has all told her husband the only way they are having a second biological child is if he can carry it.

Okay? And that matters why? She can still NOT enjoy it even though she has luxuries not everyone has

Most celebrities talk about it like they discovered it and no one has ever been pregnant before. I get it; they’re excited, but christ on cracker they are 350,000 babies born every day. Those snowflakes are not in anyway special.

I’m so glad it’s becoming more acceptable to be like ‘pregnancy is a fucking racket’. Every time I’m like ‘but being pregnant seems so goddamn awful’ (seriously, everything that goes along with being pregnant is something I already have a problem with and I don’t need my swollen ankles or wide hips to get WORSE)

why ya gotta make things so complicated?

I mean, she’s 18 years old and like six feet tall. It’s entirely possible she eats well and is perfectly healthy. She’s basically still a girl, and six-foot beanpole teenagers are not unheard of. Maybe we should ask why $1200 shoes and $4000 dresses that almost no teenager can afford need to be modeled by teenagers,