
Mt. Norwottuck is a full B, and Mount Toby is barely C cup

extrapolating a hint, don’t ya think?

you & me both, Babe

good point. Not all “support groups” are around to support healthy behavior. They do sound like a big network of enablers whose only benefit is telling people what they want to hear, even if it’s destructive and untrue.

even at the pinnacle of my ED (doctor threatening me with in-patient treatment if I didn’t comply w/ the nutritionist, which I finally did, out of embarrassment) I would *never* stand for fat-shaming other girls & women, and was downright protective of them. I suppose on one level, I felt extremely sorry for heavier

same here—Uzbek culture is infectiously kind, hospitable and loving. It felt like everyone effectively wanted to adopt me in some context or other.

better skip the plane entirely and do what I did: take a train (4th class!) all across Uzbekistan in the heat of summer. The large percentage of overweight people Joanna mentions must’ve been intentionally hiding from me when I was there, since I saw very few individuals of the XL variety.

that could be a “real family,” too, I suppose...

why they want something else to get them through this semi-charmed kinda life?

true—Putin & Kirill are pretty much in lockstep on policy issues. The latter made some little attempt at telling Russia & Ukraine not to fight so much, but quickly became silent after getting some stink-eye from Vladimir Vladimirovich

I almost took a job in Nizhnevartovsk a few years back. I knew there was a reason I turned it out (apart from being in the middle of nowhere)

sounds to me like a modern, sanitized extension of the idea that “women should be seen and not heard.” But what do I know? =p

amen to that! My thoughts exactly

yeah—-the end was a huge disappointment. Also, how did she know this dude was some kind of druggie rapist/murderer, and not a harmless weirdo who’s not used to human interaction? My only hope is that this is the first section of a much longer story with lots of twists and turns

don’t confuse WASP and “white”

IIRC, the Dominican Republic was one place in the 30s that was eager to take in groups of Jews being kicked out of Europe, in attempt to “whiten” country and its future gene pool. Funny how despised/persecuted people in one area are sought out in another. I doubt Eurocentrism allowed it to be a two-way street in this

Mae West?

did her dad invent the toaster strudel?

anybody get the weird feeling that he’s being painted by the media as the John Edwards of this decade? Really hope he doesn’t have a seriously scummy side like Johnny-boy!