
I want to slap everyone who is questioning why the child was out that late with her mother. If the mother went to someone’s house to do hair, what is the problem with her bringing her child with her? If she is a single mother, what else is she supposed to do? Fucking people.

“Why can’t women be honest and just tell a guy no?”

Some neighbors in the area, Local Memphis writes, are wondering why the young girl was out so late at night with her mother

Loop trails. The key is loop trails.

No because there are so many celebrities and we have to determine if they are woke or baes, so we cannot have any actually funny or interesting content.

There is a world of difference between a non-optimal childhood and the sort of toxic parents we’re discussing here. On behalf of all of the children of the latter: Fuck. You.

Hawhawhaw, okay, random drive-by person putting the Idiot in Idiocracy: you certainly know me and my life circumstances well enough to make assumptive pronouncements about my childhood! How kind of you to spew in my direction; it was totally called-for, and perhaps even necessary for you to tell me what’s what when it

I worked with a woman and she brought her two kids to the company picnic, The boy was into everything more so than any kid his age I’ve ever seem. Her daughter literally just stood there. The mother smiled at her son’s antics and yelled at her daughter. There was no safe movement for the little girl.


This should be a stark reminder that Hillary and her husband are just gussied up neo-liberals who will drop minority rights and justice like a hot potato once they get into office. Tell me again why you “have to” vote for Hillary? Preferably something that doesn’t involve “she’s not [slightly more right-wing

It is feasible. People just have to acknowledge that women have the right to do whatever they want with their own bodies, including prostitution.

If 85% of the sex workers are trafficked, the regulations aren't protecting the sex workers at all.

Yeah, that’d be great if Ted Cruz wasn’t interested in slut-shaming women who use birth control or get abortions, and wasn’t interested in outlawing gay marriage. So, yeah, he has to answer that question.

As someone who has both serious mental health issues and serious financial issues, I feel the need to point out here that sure, being able to afford primo help is presumably better than trying to slog it out on your own, unassisted by professionals but it’s not as easy as hiring a housecleaner - presto! clean house!

Anyway, Moss initially got discovered by Storm founder Sarah Doukas in 1988 when Doukas saw the 14-year-old Moss standing next to her dad as he was arguing at the ticket counter at JFK.

Home girl is from NANTUCKET

is it just me or does meghan trainor looks like ted cruz

Dear gods, is this perfect timing. This past summer, my best friend suddenly became hostile and unfriendly; no warning, no explanation, no anything. Then I found out that she had been excluding me from activities we used to do with two other gfs, and then posting their fun on Facebook for me to see. This put the other

I think friendship endings are really hard-sorry you had to go through that, Brook! I always cling to friendships long after it’s clear that the other friend is starting to drift away. So I think your ability to more immediately recognize the toxicity of this particular relationship (and let it go) is admirable!

Having suffered years of sexual abuse from my own father and being too afraid to tell anyone, the fact that this young woman had the strength to tell a trusted adult speaks VOLUMES about her. I wish I could hug her and tell her how brave she is.