
If North is called “Nori” then South will be called “Southie” and all the Bostonians will lose their wicked pissah minds.

My money’s on Key West

I really hope that things are better for her this time around, in terms of media coverage of her pregnancy/body. The comments that were made about her last time around were pretty sickening.

Better idea:

If it’s a boy, Go. So we can read that Go West, (a) young man, has legally filed for a change of name.

North knows what’s up and South knows how to get down. Sounds like pretty cool siblings.

I vote Wild West.

The name has already been chosen: South. When South has a child of his/her own, the single greatest brand synergy moment in history will occur: South Bysouth West

The police can’t, won’t help in some cases of running

I heard she’s a tank. I heard she did 26.2 shots after the race and wasn't even tipsy. I heard her hair is insured for ten thousand dollars.

yea but could she drink as much as I did this weekend

Harriette? Yeah, you got props over here.

I’m a fledgling runner myself and I'd bet money you're trying to run too fast. Just a tip!

just brother-in-law who, by no means has a weak immune system, went blind in one eye from a cat, and he didn’t even own a cat and wasn’t around them much either. even knowing this i still don’t give a fuck. will pet ALLLLLLL the kitties and have a lil FIV+ kitty. i think people who love cats won’t be fear

I was born with toxoplasmosis and have it in my eyes. Sometimes it flares up and I can go temporarily pretty blind until the ton of steroids I’m prescribed kick in. But apparently people who have toxo in other places, like their leg or arm, if it flares up it does nothing, they have no symptoms. It does sound very

I got my second cat because my former roommate found out she was pregnant, and the father of the baby insisted that he didn’t want a cat around a newborn. I took him in and things have been kosher, but he’s a bit of a reactive cat when it comes to external stimuli like noises or overpetting, so it would have just been

Thank you for your work with cats in need.

I ran a Cat Shelter for twelve years. This infection is very rarely contracted and when it is, it tends to be by people with compromised immune systems.

Ah, I always thought ‘cat scratch fever’ was a layman’s term for toxoplasmosis. Good to know my cat can kill me in more ways :)

Meh - I’m no fan of Kim K, but I mostly took this as the normal reminiscing we all do about our prior selves and who we thought we were... The whole “I wish I was as fat as when I thought I was fat 10 years ago” kinda thing.... When I was 34 (Kim’s current age) I would look at pictures of 27 year old me and think