
My takeaway from this list is: shit, I’m old.

What reference? You want me to cite a source proving I’ve never seen a celebration of out of shape middle aged women?

ModSquad Bod

I have a catbod. I am just so fucking furry all the time, even these sticky lint rollers aren’t cutting it. Also there is a cat sleeping on my chest right now and I am trying not to disturb him as I post this.

Well, helllooo Mr. President. I mean, I feel the same way about Michelle. That is one attractive first couple.

Lots of places have 2 way mirrors in the bathroom?

yes, the reporter sounds like an ass, not the coked out perv bar owner with a 2-way mirror in the ladies washroom for peeping. lol

there are Australian chapters of the Greek anti-immigration/neo Nazi political party Golden Dawn.

There is some difference between “their rudeness hurt your feelings” and “they have blood on their hands.”

Oh no I can totally empathize with his struggle. I’m sure being called a white boy when you are, indeed, a white boy was a traumatizing experience.

Would have worked better as a polka.

While I agree with your criticism of this site, I have to say that by the age of 14, a person is old enough to know that certain things are simply wrong, bad, and unacceptable regardless of what jokes they hear growing up. We’re talking about freshmen here, not elementary school kids - that’s beyond the age that they

Tip: it is ineffective to claim that you don’t care what people are saying when you’re in the midst of throwing a tantrum as big and obvious as this one. You racist sack of garbage.

No one is forcing you to read Jezebel so

it’s going after low-hanging fruit because that’s what gets clicks and shares.

My favorite story about my dad and his complicated relationship with his heritage is when the neighbors were moving in across from us.

There names have not been used ANYWHERE. Not on this article, and not on the Daily Kos article. So the media is certainly not making pariahs out of them. This is a perfect example of how racism is entrenched in America and a perfect example of white privilege, it absolutely needs to be talked about.

It’s always nice to meet an 80-year-old geezer in a 14-year-old’s body.

I had a horrible mouth when I was a kid (I called my sister the c-word on multiple occasions), and I would NEVER use racial slurs. You can’t say shit like that and then try to claim you’re not racist.

I wish people could just own their mistakes.