
Trampolines are gods gift to orthopedic surgeons.

A pool party without the Black Eyed Peas sounds a trillion gajillion times more fun than a pool party with the Black Eyed Peas. I never go to parties unless I can get assurance, in writing, from at least three people, that none of the Black Eyed Peas will be there.

You then realized it wasn’t Shailene Woodley when there wasn’t a stream of pretentious bullshit coming out of her mouth.

She purposefully decided to get pregnant and is keeping the children. This isn’t about abortion so referring to them as fetuses just totally ignores the fact that they ARE going to babies. They are as good as people if the parent purposefully conceives them with the intention of giving birth. From what we can gather

It does when you consider how many resources the average German is using. (All first world countries, based on resource usage, should be reducing populations, IMO. The fact that we’ve collectively based our economies on pyramid schemes is not a good reason to continue the growth rate.)

I think this is about as nuts as the doctor who helped out the Octomom. I’m not sure what a woman with 13 kids is trying to prove here.

It’s a little early to congratulate Annegret on her superwomb. Let’s see how far she gets into her pregnancy before she is confined with bedrest and well those poor little babies do in which I am sure will be a very premature birth.

Last I checked, unborn fetuses are not “people.”

What kind of hater/shamer am I if I think this is morally objectionable due to the clear issues with over population? Stop having shit tons of babies. Its bad. I feel a very similar judgement and distaste for this as I do for the Duggar family.

Your self-congratulatoriness should carry you far. Meanwhile, I'll happily judge the shit out of terrible, selfish choices, reproductive or otherwise.

I would say the chances of her surviving this pregnancy aren’t exactly great. Multiples are hard on any woman’s body, much less a 65 year-old’s.

I mean... you COULD be, but so could any parent. Mine was, and he was in his 20s when I was born. It’s always a leap of faith, and 40 is completely reasonable, and whoever said that to you needs to stfu.

Saugen sie diese, Duggars!

My daughter’s friends all think I’m cool because I cuss and flip people off when I drive them to the mall.

No shame there! In 4th grade, two of my friends and I took part in a lip-synch/talent show, where we dressed up as the Clintons and performed “Yesterday’s Gone” by Fleetwood Mac. I spray-dyed my hair blonde and was Hillary. It was pretty excellent.

Pussy Relapse is the best band name ever.

Now playing

what?! that’s not silly! that’s effing awful! also... very “13 Going on 30”...

Same story, different party. I was in college at a friend’s engagement party, slow dancing with a good friend who I intermittently slept with and had a tiny, silent but DREADFUL, eye-watering fart slip out. I knew it was gonna be deadly but thought I could “dance” us a few feet away to avoid the worst of it.

My dad used to strip mannequins when he found a shirt or dress he thought I would like. He didn’t like to look in the racks to find it there. I would end up with varying sizes with my clothes. At times I was a large, others an x-small.

I was a freshman who had gotten close to a junior dude in my drama class, all my friends were convinced he was going to ask me to homecoming, AND he was going to ask me to go steady or whatever. It made sense, we talked ALL the time,he has to be into me, right? So one day at lunch he told me he really had to talk