
Your story is exactly why I’m more able to believe Jackie. She didn’t name names either, but look at all the shit she’s gone through anyway. I can understand a scenario where a woman was raped, but wants to keep the details out of it. Unfortunately, our society is all about proving that men are innocent and women are

Thanks. As for the virginity test, they were far more interested in villainizing a relatively innocent 14 year old boy from my school than seeing about whether a grown man was in fact a criminal. I underwent an exam which likely concluded I was not in fact a virgin, but I also got the full body of screenings, which is

God, no. Can you imagine being a daughter raised by someone who doesn’t “believe” rape culture exists? That if something (forbid) did happen to you, your dad would ask you what you were wearing and if you were drinking?

I’m a woman, and I am pretty sure I don’t exist. I’m a figment of the men of the world’s imagination.

And, with that, I’m impressed any woman EVER goes to the authorities. Why? So she can get humiliated? I’ve know many, many women who have been raped. I don’t know a single one who has ever gone to the cops about it. I certainly haven’t (and I’m not sorry).

All the rape-truthers who are gleeful about this keep insisting it’s not an isolated incident, Because Tawana Brawley and also Because Duke Lacrosse. So false rape reports are such an insidious problem they can name one per decade.

Hear, hear! However, let’s take this one step further. I would go so far to say that WOMEN are a myth. I mean, I’m not a woman. Therefore, are there women? I find this so called “women exist” narrative just doesn’t hold water.

A penny shy from being a Macklemore reference.

Anything with the word “Classy” on it automatically negates that meaning.*


tack on the 49.99 price tag and I almost threw up in my mouth.

My daughter is 5’6” and 95 pounds with big boobs and looks amazing in anything she puts on. She doesn’t starve herself. That’s just the way she’s always been. And yes, I’m so jealous. So cry me a river, skinny person. I’ll switch places with you any day. How’d you like to walk into stores and find out the better

I have an acquaintance who would interrupt EVERY. SINGLE. conversation about fat shaming with the story about how some guys on the street once told her to “eat a sandwich” and that skinny shaming was even worse than fat shaming because “being skinny isn’t my fault.” O_o (she’s not invited to happy hour anymore)

Skinny Shaming is skinny people going “but body acceptance movement doesn’t accept bodies that are already accepted by literally everyone.” Like, the fact that I’m supposed to make room and worry about the feelings of people who daily make me feel like a fucking alien galls me to no fucking end. Get that shit outta

When skinny people are forced to wear huge swaths of cloth that make them look ridiculous from a lack of other available options, then I will have sympathy.

I’m an articulate woman, which is why I’ll let my t-shirt do the talking for me.

I’m fat and I’m so sick of the expectation that I dress like a twee rockabilly. I fucking hate dresses some days!

I feel like there’s not likely to be much overlap between women who will spend $50 for a t-shirt and women who are interested in t-shirts proclaiming their classiness in metallic lettering. I also hope that neither group is particularly well-populated to begin with.

That “Classy Woman” tee is the worst fucking thing I’ve ever seen.