
I am a mom, and it is obnoxious.

Games aren’t books or movies, Heather. By design, they’re not going to be playable by everybody. That’s too bad, but that’s the nature of the medium.

>“who are woke and aware and comfortable sleeping with [HIV-positive] performers.”

Naw. Being a porn star is not a fundamental human right. It is a privilege bestowed into those with gifts from God like big weiners, little labia, whatever floats your boat. Health is a privilege. So is being a performer. We do not need HIV positive porn stars. Can we redirect all the energy dedicated towards this and

I’m normally a fairly staunch defender of copyright; I make part of my living through my own copyrighted materials, and will call my lawyer with the quickness to protect my IP from infringement (because failure to protect copyright can weaken a claim to the same).

That said, even I feel like there has to be room for

I’m a clinical social worker (just like Karamo!) and this article is basically every parent calling me to complain that I’m not being hard enough on their kid and change isn’t happening fast enough. Effective change comes from communicating connection and acceptance, while also leading the client to their own

i promise this is the exact comment i hungered for when i wrote that headline

I’m confused, so you actually read 8000 comments about Sekiro: Shadows Die?

“This person kidnapped me and held me against my will the RIGHT WAY.”

So when I was 16-17 years old and was genuinely uncomfortable to wrestle a girl at a meet, I was making that girl feel less than? Was my whirlwind of hormones and nerves and the fact that I’d never held hands with a girl before I was about to basically mount her for several minutes completely made up? Yes, yes, it

Is it possible you don’t see them going away because news publications are making articles praising loot boxes for being not completely morally bankrupt. You may be able to enjoy your games without spending money, but there are people with impulse/control issues, gambling addiction, etc. where it’s not as easy. But

It’s disappointing to see anyone in the games media going “Welp, we’re all going to be screwed over by shitty practices so we might as well just bend over and hope we only have to take the smallest, least spiky ones.” How about instead of an article about which loot boxes are closest to good, you write about how loot b

This is just my opinion, but I actually prefer the way they handled lootboxes in the original release of Modern Warfare.

Yes it is...because presumably this kid is not sexually attracted to other men. I honestly don’t get the failure of everyone in comments here to understand why yea, it might be uncomfortable for a teenage boy to wrestle a girl. His comments about it were bullshit, but to then say he’s a piece of shit misogynist and

I wrestled, I also went to high school. Try living a public boner down while you’re on stage (no pun intended) wrestling in front of the public. in TIGHT clothes. Boners don’t obey our wishes, and rubbing it on a girl for MINUTES (a lifetime) is not what I’d say is the wish of any high school teen.... also to those

I’m just shocked how little empathy people have. Maybe he’s never even touched a girl before. Maybe his friends will make fun of him. You’re treating him like he’s some nefarious emperor of men oppressing his slaves, but he’s just a dumb boy filled with hormones, and it’s not his fault. And no, I’m not making excuses,

No one is claiming there is no antisemitism on the left — there certainly is, just as there is homophobia, racism, misogyny, classism etc.; we live in a culture built on those things and it’s absurd to think the left would magically be exempt from them — but allowing plainly disingenuous Republicans (and their

There’s an old legal saw that if the facts are on your side, but the law is not, you emphasize the facts. And if the law is on your side, but the facts are not, you emphasize the law.

It’s actually been an issue since pre-Netflix days, but mostly outside of a US context - in other countries, “TV movies” often are cinematic in the ways you describe because (at least in Europe) there are funding bodies for films made for TV, and commercial breaks (and other factors more TV-related in the US) are less

The fact is that “TV movies” in the traditional sense barely even exist anymore beyond The Hallmark Channel. I would concede that a film designed to fit the rhythms of commercial breaks and edited for time by default is a very different beast from a theatrical film