
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” - Arthur C. Clarke

You can’t trick me. This some Dark Souls-ass Dark Souls.

Weird to complain about fetishy colonialism and then reference The Monkey’s Paw...

Yeah. As others have pointed out, the movies are about stopping some far worse force from getting hold of supernatural artifacts, and Temple Of Doom is entirely about Indy realizing he can’t just take these cultural artifacts and gives the Sankara Stone back to the people. Then both Last Crusade and Kingdom of the

These ridiculous takes I see on this site are absolutely how Trump rose to power.

Everything in balance.

I was definitely influenced by Raiders of the Lost Ark, started looking into archeology, then realized it was completely not for me. Culturally Abhorrent is quite the take. It snuck up on me, no one told me I should hate Indiana freaking Jones now. Fortunately, I am the type of person that can distinguish between

I’m all for quality licensed games.  I don’t see how that’s a problem.  Also this is more a Generation X and Millennial thing, not Boomer.

They should have cast another actor, IMO.

There will be no civil war, there will be no secession, there will be no Trumpie uprising. Trumpies are all talk, no action. Sure, a handful of witless bearded goobers might do something stupid but chances are that was going to happen anyway, as this country rarely goes more than a few months between mass shooting

I can confirm that our goal is absolutely a full-blown matriarchy. First we gain the presidency, then we start oppressing the men.

We start passing laws on what elective medical procedures they can have to erode their bodily autonomy, pay them less so they’re more dependent on us, only test medication on women so it’s 

I agree. And you know what? I desperately want EA to release DLC for this game. I never thought I’d say that about a game at the end of this console generation but here we are. Thing is, Squadrons is perfectly set up for “expansion pack” single-player campaign DLC. I’d pay another $20-40 without a second thought if EA

A big fuck you to every moron who uses the term SJW unironically. To you morons, an SJW is anyone with baseline human empathy. 

You don’t have to stop using the handsign in the normal way people use it.

The whole point of gestures like this is so that racist assholes can wink at each other then pretend they were just saying OK when they get called out.

Exactly. We’re going to let racists dictate our very vernacular by simply making things go viral. And we’re going to talk ourselves into the idea that we’re “winning” a war on hate by doing so all while those racists laugh their asses off at how easily society can be manipulated, now.

So you’re basically giving a bunch of racist pricks the power to determine the symbols or gestures that are acceptable and unacceptable in society? I don’t see how that could possibly go wrong... Maybe they should also co-opt the thumbs up, the fist in the air, the peace sign, and every other innocuous gesture we use

So, the solution is to just let racists have a symbol? To just gain ground over something that has been universally used to say OK for who knows how long?

That’s actually how a news article is supposed to be written. The things that are absolute truthful facts are presented in a clear manner. It looks weird to people because we have had decades of opinion pieces and advertisements masquerading as news.