
I’m happy to get single-player at all these days, but yeah you’re right.

In fairness, nobody’s better at turning left than Nascar.

Sounds like there are two campaigns. “The campaign stars two small groups of fighter pilots. One part of the New Republic and the other part of the remnants of the Empire after the destruction of the second Death Star.”

....but RE2 remake is the whole game. That’s why no one is complaining.

People would absolutely complain if Capcom released Re2 Remake--Part 1.

Same, I genuinely can’t figure out what’s supposed to be so terrible about them.

That middle finger to my mom felt like a warm hug. Thank you. ❤️

Max, that's FANTASTIC work. Well done.

I’m no right-winger, but I think this is a much more complex issue than has been perpetuated. Conservatives aren’t the only ones protesting this issue, though their (underlying, prejudicial) reasoning is certainly unique.

lol that trailer is cringe af

I think it’s important to disconnect art from the artist, so long as you can consume that art without directly benefiting said artist. If an artist is alive and benefiting from your consumption of their creations, as is the case with R. Kelly and so many other current serial abusers, by all means, drop them from your

remember when caffeine won best drug? haha

In my experience, there are two kinds of Resident Evil fans. Those who think RE4 was the best game in the series, and those who think RE4 was the beginning of the series’ downfall (until its recent resurrection with RE7 and the RE2 Remake.)

“We here at Nintendo are all about innovation and bringing you the best products we possibly can. That’s why we’re dedicated to bringing you the best games of the past decade, on the brand new Nintendo PortBox. The same games you love, for full price all over again!”

How do you write this blog without the rest of his quote? I mean, he literally says we should push for something greater, he’s just asking those with privilege to consider what they are asking those without privilege to risk in that push.

This is no different than anyone else being fired from their job for doing something stupid or against company policy.  If streamers and Youtubers want to be taken seriously as professionals, they need to actually act professional.  This guy wants to have his cake and eat it, too.

This all just makes me so mad. Even if my kid is cis/het, if my 5-year-old wants to wear a dress and paint their nails and then attend school like that, I’m absolutely going to let them do it. Nobody seems to care if a cis/het girl wears jeans, a t-shirt, and a baseball cap. Denying a child the choice to “dress like a

Pro Tip:

Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick? 

Protip: Unplug and put away your controllers while you aren’t using them. That alone would solve about half of your wire problem. It takes all of two seconds to pull out and plug in the appropriate controller when you’re ready to play.

I can’t help but think that we, as a culture, throw around the phrase, “of all time,” far too casually.