
In my limited exposure to the world of art curation, nearly all of ‘em are white ladies, including some african art curators.

Yeah. I really think we need to get away from the idea that only people who are tangentially connected to a certain group can have anything to do with that group professionally. We need more people of color in academia, the arts, management, etc. we do not need them there so we can ghettoize them into writing/working

They still don’t present an alternative to where the money will come from.

I have some issues with what this group did at the Whitney, even though I recognize that the Whitney is a institution that needs to be shaken up and increase diversity in all its forms. This group’s protest involved burned herbs to the point that the lobby was filled with smoke, meaning there was enough smoke to

I am uncomfortable with the idea that a person needs to be from a particular racial, ethnic, social, or other group to successfully curate or otherwise have expertise about the art or history of that group. I find that American historians who are not themselves American, for instance, often have interesting insight

Right, it’s not a factor of knowing the person in question’s gender and/or preferred gender pronouns. Traditional English rules tell us to just pick one (typically the masculine), but colloquially the plural they/them is often used in these cases as a stand in for a gender neutral pronoun. (English doesn’t have one.) H

From what I understand, it’s just about not knowing the gender. It’s like I can’t say he’ or ‘she’ so I use ‘they’.

Or literally just that the author doesn’t know the gender of the player, as singular they is most commonly used.

I believe, though I don’t know for sure, that the singular ‘they’ is Kotaku house style when the gender of the person in question is unknown.

Heather is not using language incorrectly. The singular ‘they’ predates the purely plural ‘they’ by centuries and is perfectly grammatically correct, particularly if the author does not know the gender of the person in question.

Isn’t Latinum a currency in Star Trek?

Precisely. He’s brave af to own up to his disgusting impulse. Folks all up and through here acting like nobody else has had thoughts like this. Please. 

A few years back I made a switch to “no carbs at breakfast” and as a person who wakes up wanting my breakfast - an egg with a bit of veg mixed in has been my go to breakfast for years. Minimal calories, gives the blood sugar a boost etc. Works for me.  I’m also pretty knowledgeable about nutrition and bodies in

Most folks’ breakfasts are just nutrient-devoid, carb-explosions, which is the issue. Cereal, muffins, pancakes, potatoes...most of these things are just desserts you eat in the morning.  Breakfasts that are protein-heavy (eggs/meat/salmon) and greens-heavy are the  

Yeah, seems like the basis of this post is rooted in a projection of the author’s personal bias and not so much a convincing thesis that the subject would have a gripe about any of this.

Her father was born in Germany, her mother was mestizo and had one parent of Indigenous descent and another of Spanish descent. But Indigenous identity isn’t about genetics, and the fact remains that culturally, she was not Indigenous, her mother was Catholic, and she was raised in a very Europeanized, middle class

I have a somewhat different take on Frida. I agree with the criticism of the commercialization of art and artists but at the same time it’s not just happening to Frida.

I had that same feeling when I played Sleeping Dogs once I noticed a lot of very tall buildings only had tiny stores on the first floors and no access to the upper floors. Are you telling me everyone that lives in this building has to go through the electronic store to get to their apartment? Or the few back alley

It seems like the writers bit off more than they could chew and then didn’t even try to chew it. The subject of a gay person having straight sex that they don’t want for purely utilitarian reasons is complex, difficult, and heavy. It’d take an enormous amount of sensitivity and effort to weave this issue into the

Just so unnecessary. If the player isn’t in a procreative romance, just have someone show up and say, “your sibling had a child and here they are".  Then you can carry on with any child related plot points.