You’ll be proud to know that Fox News agrees with you.
You’ll be proud to know that Fox News agrees with you.
Let’s be honest with ourselves; wouldn’t we all rather take the juicy gossip White House tour than the dignified presidential history one?
Exactly. Once you notice it, it only reinforces the fact that the map is just a “set” for the gameplay. I hate to use the phrase “immersion-breaking,” but yeah. :) Having recently come off Red Dead Redemption 2, a game that, despite how some may feel about the pacing and mechanics, has extremely believably designed…
What’s cool about this is not only how creatively detailed some of those beds are, but also how logically organized the actual spaces are. I’ve been playing Assassins Creed Odyssey lately, and recently noticed that like half of the game’s interiors don’t have any actual points of entry or access between floors. I…
This is all well and good, but where is the article explaining how to get a magazine-cover-ready super-bod?
His mugshot looks like somebody drew a face on a thumb.
Is there any account of what was going on that lead to this? Looks like there is already some shit going down with him peacocking around that crowd before the filming starts.
Blade Runner is more widely admired than The Empire Strikes Back? Really??
Also fuck the BBB because it’s a toothless institution that doesn’t have any clout with the shitty big businesses that actually need additional oversight.
Using the economic boom of the 1950s as “evidence” that higher marginal tax rates on the wealthy would solve all of our economic woes is disingenuous at best, and an outright distortion of the truth at worst. An absolutely crucial factor in the economic success of the 1950s that had nothing at all to do with America’s…
The architecture from the original cartoon makes a strong case that they were going for Mughal culture, though the Arabian desert setting conflicts somewhat with that.
The problem is that the ACA basically didn’t solve ANY of the problems you mentioned, with the exception of more explicitly making it illegal for insurance companies to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions. Every other problem you mention is still present. It is still economically devastating to get…
Basically because contractual obligation is not affected by allegations of sexual misconduct unless there is an explicitly written clause in the contract that defines such misconduct as a breach of contract. Hopefully companies will start including such language in the future, but until then, this is the disgusting…
Since when have governments ever had a problem getting blood on their hands?
This is yet another example of people on the left making the perfect the enemy of the good. Do you think anyone on the right gives a shit about their candidates having perfect backgrounds with no gaffes or mistakes? They’ve run literal nazis and nearly elected child molesters SEVERAL times in the last few years alone.…
The sad fact is that neither the Kavanaugh or the Thomas confirmations were ever going to go any other way. The question was never IF they were going to get confirmed, it was HOW the corrupt people confirming them were going to try and lie to the American people to save face. There are no honest people who hold…
I’d say the answer is probably directly related to the fact that a Twitter post is now considered a cover letter/resume.
The way I see it is that it’s basically like driving a car through a small, low population town vs. a big bustling city with narrow streets. In real life, you’d never go faster than 15-20 mph through dense, narrow city streets, but you could get away with going faster down wider two-lanes that run through rural…
It’s definitely easier to melee the lawmen than hog-tying them. If you have anyone alive and tied on the floor, make sure to move them to the antechamber before you blow the safe though, or your bounty will spike from killing them all in the blast. ;-)
Yeah, I forgot about that. Still though, as you said, there’s a fair amount of survivors who could show up in potential dlc side stories. :-)