

The amount of sick joy that I get out of this comment should probably be shameful, but it’s just too good not to get a kick out of this.

Holy shit, that does look amazing.

I’ve stage managed the play like... 4 times, so I can see being sick and tired of it.


Not sure if anyone explained.

Goddamn, all of my favorite shows being recommended to others by clearly evolved human beings.

I don’t know you, but we are sisters in arms. You’re not alone.

Holy shit, thank you.

I only make vegan cupcakes now after I found a recipe that made the best cupcakes I’ve ever eaten. Now, frosting? Yea, that shit ain’t vegan, because vegan frosting is not good...

Right, and who gives up the money? Like, who pays that kid?

Exactly. Shit, they did it on the first episode of TWD, setting up Rick, his family, his relationship with Shane and Lori.

Whoa whoa whoa, this needs more attention. Is that really him?

Where is this frooooom?

seems like it could happen has happened at any high school

Right? Like assuming that just because we’re friendly means that we’re asking for sexual attention. Man, the dudes that I’ve had stalk me on Halo is next level crazy.

I went on a date to see this movie.

Goddamnit... that’s a good point.

More importantly, that this person who just happens to post on Jezebel, knows someone who knew that Taylor Kinney took a loan out to buy this ring for Lady Gaga. Just... the coincidence is magnificent!
