
At a certain point, I just started saying “are you fucking kidding me with this? It makes no sense. None of this makes sense. Did you have Mr. Trump write this question personally, because it reads as though it was written by someone who can’t read or write.” It was very satisfying.

Watching this video, as a sexual assault survivor myself, I am blown away and in awe of her that even when she was going through the horrors that she was experiencing, she still reached out to her fans and accepted them for who they are. I am inspired by her, she is my hero, and the fact that she still remains a

Or, as all my ex-boyfriends will say, “should you change your sheets every 6 months or every year if your cash and prizes are jangling against them all night?” Because apparently my ex-boyfriends (all of them...) thought it was acceptable to only change sheets every 6 to 12 months. Imagine their delight and glee when

Well, to be fair, they do have the same exact boring, watching paint dry personalities, so they’re kind of perfect for each other.

I mentioned this to my parents, who were like “what are you even talking about who cares?” and then I remember that my mom is the epitome of white privilege and my dad listens to Rush Limbaugh religiously, and I was like oh duh they won’t get why this is wrong, and I got even more angry.

Oh my god, she was so good in Parks and Rec. Like, mindblowingly good.

That is lucky, I’m glad. :)

And that’s why you wait for the results before you sleep with anyone else OR have the conversation. Better to have confirmation before you implode your relationship and your life than doing that and it being negative.

This is the second time Mountain West officials have blown a call. They blew a call in San Diego State when the UNM Lobos tried to inbound a pass and the ref blew the call, as admitted by the league. Article attached.…

This does not have enough stars.

Yep. Add to that the “been on multiple dates and ghost” situations. Go on a date, go on multiple dates, then nada... nothing. I’m dealing with that right now. Hung out with a dude, clicked with him, slept with him, texted him on Sunday asking if he wanted to hang out, aaaaaaand haven’t heard from him in 3 days. It’s

Games are exhausting. I’m glad you don’t have to play them anymore, and I’m glad for the women you date too. I bet it makes dating you a lot more enjoyable, because even in the end when things don’t work out, at least they know why and they don’t have to constantly question themselves or do CIA level analysis on “what

Watch basketball.

This child is more of an adult than I am.

What a damn shame. They had an opportunity to place themselves in a great position of being at the forefront of the conversation, gaining the respect of their female (and hopefully male too!) fans in the process, and setting an example for the industry and other industries as well.

See, it’s funny because Amy Schumer has actually been a lightning rod for much controversy.

Ooooh, you’re single. Yea, that’s tricky... but that’s nice that you can be very true to yourself, you don’t have to play the silly games that young dudes and chicks play these days, because there’s no point. And I’m sure you’re at the point now where you can be straight forward and honest with your dates, that if it

You are. ;)

“After I pulled my hand hard enough, adrenaline finally kicked in I guess. I kept saying, ‘I’m sorry,’ and that’s what made me angry at myself. But you can’t help it. I could’ve said any words. It would’ve been the same. He did what he wanted to do. He made me feel powerless.”

Okay grandpa. ;)