Bump bump bump bump bump.
Bump bump bump bump bump.
Let's murder him.
This is horrifying, I am so sorry. *hug*
Rape culture, right thar. Epitome of rape culture. It's easier to blame the woman and wash your hands of the whole thing then to address the bigger issue at hand which may be financially and socially more costly.
Man, you and I are the same person. I find it really odd that even now, after having been a very staunch supporter of consent education, a pretty intense feminist, and someone who is extremely anti-rape culture, and someone who was raped and been in therapy for a long time, that I still have trouble coming to terms…
I think you'll find that a lot of these dudes who are raping women aren't in it for the sex, but for the power and control.
Yea, I see what you're saying, I apologize for phrasing it the way I did, that was probably the wrong way to say that.
This is spot on. As I always say, men should be absolutely furious that rapists are characterized as not being able to help themselves. When excuses like, "the girls were asking for it", or that they "seemed like they wanted it" makes men seem like they are powerless against their urges, basically reducing them to…
Oh my god, you guys, do not go to that Lando Bandz Twitter account. It is truly appalling. Seriously, don't, because if you haven't given up on humanity already because of this UVA situation/high school girls getting raped situation, you will after seeing his twitter feed.
The more and more I read about this, the more and more I think about my own situation, and it confirms for me that the doubts that I've had in the back of my head for all these years are misfounded and that I was definitely raped. The section outlined here
"And for that reason, I'm out."
Is this the chat?
100% agreed, spot on.
by students – who brush off sexual assaults as regrettable but inevitable casualties of their cherished party culture
Oh Lana Del Rey... your music is so lovely and you're killing it with some of your songs, but the questionable decision making process in which you seem to operate leaves much to be desired.
Wait wait... as someone who has literally never listened to a One Direction song unless forced to or haphazardly heard it on the radio, I had no clue they actually each write songs? I thought they just... sang the songs given to them by their record label.
You know, I have to say, I was listening to the New Music Tuesday playlist on Spotify, and they added "Where Do Broken Hearts Go," and I was genuinely enjoying it and didn't even consider who the artist was until I looked at it, and realized it was One Direction. At that point, I think I was a little turned off…
But not sweet tea, AMIRITE?
I laughed, I cried, but mostly I just really want to eat that spread of foodstuffs.
+1, just... so much +1.