
Hoooooly shit.

I live in Albuquerque, and let me tell you, the ballot of this vote was a clusterfuck.

Another Hiddleston Anonymous will come to order.

Awwww, thanks for the kitten! :D It made the Hiddlerage slightly easier.

Thank you for posting that, your bravery is astounding.

This is a very good point, I think it's an interesting take on this whole thing. Thank you for posting that, I appreciate your out of the box thinking!

Oh hai guyz, it's me, LadyMacbeth with more torturous Tom news.

This site is quite possibly the greatest site ever.

Alright, it's official, I'm starting the Tom Hiddleston Anonymous support group.

Oh my god, you... you cold... you cold genius.

Clearly no one is listening to me.

Guys. I think we can all agree here, that this is really just the final straw.


Bless Heidi Klum. The woman is scantily clad consistently on Project Runway and gets harassed by Michael Kors ("You do like clothing that is short, Heidi!") all the time for it, but on the one night that everyone is dressing up in practically nothing, she goes completely the other way, she really lives her motto, "In

Education is broken on both spectrums, both for the poverty stricken and for the upper class. Poor neighborhoods don't have the property taxes to attract "good schools" that aim for college entry, and also have so many other issues that come with poverty, such as broken homes, homelessness, hunger, drug problems,

Oh, I'm sure there are small pockets of this type of thing happening, but I mean a complete overhaul of our public education system does not seem to be happening any time soon. There's examples of these "revolutions" per se all over the place, and they never sustain any dramatic change. I love that there are people

Our education system is broken.

Yes, but back then there wasn't nearly as much red tape and bureaucratic BS as there is now.

You are spot on. Seriously, amazing piece, wonderful writing!