
The best thing I've ever heard about rape is that to say "well, she was drunk, and did all of these things that made me think she wanted it" is THE MOST INSULTING THING TO EVERY SINGLE MAN EVER. It's implying that men literally have NO CONTROL over themselves and all they ever are or ever will be is base mindless

No, please continue. Please continue to talk about women doing things that will get them raped.

I am... surprised.

I live in New Mexico, and I saw the foodstuff for New Mexico on the map, and I thought it was pancakes, and I was extremely confused and downright flabbergasted... until I scrolled down and saw that, in fact, the picture is of enchiladas.

I am so glad that they've reopened the case, but now it's time for the hacktivists to back off. We got what we came for, they've reopened the case, now we have to let the justice system take over. (PFFFFFFFFFTTTTT as if the justice system is going to do anything for this poor girl... but there's nothing more we can

He's trolling us. No man can always be this perfect, amazing, down to earth, gorgeous, delightful, cute, talented, and intelligent, all at one.

I'm sure they'd find a way...

I love you. I really do, because this comment has shown me that I am not the only one out there who strongly believes that our generation has become a slave to the ideals of our society and older generations that financial stability and work ethic is more important than dreams and being happy. I was having this exact

My god, this is brilliant. On behalf of the internet, please give yourself a treat today. You deserve it.

Black cat owners, unite!

Apparently (according to my 21 year old friend who is not an old) it has something to do with MDMA and how amazing the foam feels/looks when you're rolling.

Man, I really hope that a bunch of people from Jez sent him pictures of pregnant ladies and didn't include all the required information. Because I really REALLY feel like spamming his inbox with just so many pictures of pregnant ladies with no information attached. Poor guy, he'll probably get all excited that he got

Actually, what I'm reading is these women bitching about the particular traits they don't like about THEIR SPECIFIC SIGNIFICANT OTHER, so...

Or the brains of PEOPLE, which is clearly a worse prospect. And then those people eat more people's brains, and then the whole world starts to slowly degrade into my dream... UM NIGHTMARE.

May I just say that your arguments are so solid, so thank you.

I just adore you and this post. Bravo, Shann301, Just continue being amazing, because clearly that is exactly who you are.


Hey, maybe my cat and your cat know each other!

I watched the latest Real World "What They Should Have Showed" recap show, and it was... pretty terrible.

Good god... hottest Rocky ever... I'll just watch this movie and pretend it's RHPS. :D