
I love butter lettuce! It’s one of the few greens that don’t taste like dirt and a burning tire had a baby. 

Totally with you on the romaine. I’m here for the butter lettuce suggestion but was definitely turned off by Megan’s disdain for romaine.

Green leaf lettuce is a thing, and it looks similar to romaine.

This has been a paid announcement by the Butter Lettuce Farmer’s Association, who is definitely not over by the romaine in the produce section with spray guns of e. coli.

Between this article and the one on tea, Jezebel is full of lies today! Romaine has a beautiful crunch to it that is unparalleled amongst lettuces (except for iceberg, which we all know only tastes of water). All salad greens are not created equal, but if you want a hearty lunch salad romaine is the best green that

Lawyer here, no this is not inadequate representation. It’s the lawyer’s job to present every possible (reasonable) defense that could help his client. Even though this was a gross defense that would have serious negative consequences if it was successful (if not subsequently fixed by the legislature), this is zealous

I’m glad the defense didn’t work, but i’m also glad someone attempted it. Because this is what you get when you make asinine anti-abortion laws like this shit. If you want to act like life begins at conception just to be a dick, then yeah, deal with crazy rape defenses like this. Maybe they will rethink the bullshit

It sounds like the lawyer is trolling the conservatives, honestly. Doubtful he thought the argument was going to be successful, and “trying a strategy with a minuscule chance of success” is certainly not “inadequate representation”. I heard of a guy in Missouri trying to use the “farmer’s civil rights” constitutional

Your response is way better than mine. Mine was “Huh.” I mean, when you start jacking around with laws to make them bend to your will, Kansas legislators, I suppose it’s only natural that others would do the same. And, of course, either way women get the short end of the stick. Huh.

From a manila envelope, or one of those thick manila folders.  

Some of it is about SEO and clickbait, sure, but you have to look at the tone. If you just want people to click on her name, you can do warm & fuzzy stories about what she was like in high school, or pieces about her top legislature priorities and what they’d mean. Whatever. But a lot of it is specifically aimed at

The latest on Twitter has been to tear into her for some misspoken snafus, claiming that she doesn’t know the different branches of government (she accidentally called the branches “chambers” in what looked like a home video, IIRC)... as if no one who is spinning a ton of plates while being pretty new to public

At no time did anyone say that anyone shouldn’t be ‘learning and growing’ but rather that people who are in a position of teaching shouldn’t be shaming.

It comes across as rich, white, mostly male, patriarchy to me. Let’s keep out those young Mr. Smiths that we all pretend we want to emulate, by keeping them out by making the salary too low in one of the highest cost areas to live and making it impossible for younger people that aren’t independently wealthy or backed

it’s the same the world over. I feel like financial gurus just get off on shaming people.

and made to cut the twists for cocktail hour!!!

The adages of not paying more than 30% of one’s monthly income on rent/mortgage and that one should have a slush fund to cover at least six months of expenses fill me with both rage and despair. I live in both one of the most expensive places in the US AND have student loans.

Even the trolls here are like, 'uhh, have you heard her speak, she sounds like a bimbo'. No, bro, but you sure sound like someone who doesn't like hearing young women speak.

I have no savings, it's a juggling act with bills and food, what reality are these people living in? Here in the U.K people struggle to have savings. I'm buggered if I have an emergency. 

I also think it’s the curse of being the young, attractive, opinionated woman. They won’t look away from you, because you are young and attractive, but they pick at you constantly to try to make you shut up so that they can impose their fantasy on you more easily. And by they? I mean any journalists, other