
I completely get what you mean. This is where they have shown themselves for who they really are: abusers. This is no “difference of opinion/lifestyle”. This is We’re Going to Make Your Being You as Much of a Living Hell for You as Possible.

I’d run the bill through the shredder, on video, and send the video. Because at that point my family would be dead to me.

I’m not sure I can describe with 100% clarity why, but the real gut punch in this story for me was the part about them filling up the car with her possessions and then taking the plates off. I guess it’s because it goes beyond, “Come get your stuff, you’re not welcome here,” which is bad enough. It’s, “Come get your

It’s crazy to me how people can appear so seemingly loving and wonderful with their kids, and the moment those kids do something outside of their comfort zone, they can so easily disown them. If you can do something like that to your own flesh and blood you really are a shit person.

I just think about how many 19 and 20-year-olds don’t spend the rest of their lives with their college gf or bf. Heck, most will not graduate with the same gf or bf they had when they were sophomores. Putting forth marriage as a solution to the FAFSA problem for students under 24 is a recipe for disaster for the vast

I’m sorry that you’ve been through what you’ve been through and that your sister is going through what she’s going through. I remember I was scared to death when I first came out to my parents.

That seems like a really bad idea to me. In general, 19-year-olds getting married is probably not a great idea, regardless of the financial incentive. That’s a whole lot of unnecessary legal work to fix a situation that surely has an easier solution. I’m not a lawyer, but it seems like some combination of notarized

I have to admit, this article is hard for me. I was never disowned, but when I came out it was met with a solid wall of denial and was kicked out. I’m now financially independent, but I still just...don’t talk about my LGBTI identity with my parents. We operate under a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy. And it kills me.

If she was “part of our family”, none of this would ever have happened.
Her parents would have been happy for her, happy that she found someone whom she loves, who loves her, and they would have left it at that.

But they didn’t, and her father’s actions regarding her car and belongings reflects that as poignantly as her

This kind of (presumably evangelical) Christianity that makes you turn against your OWN CHILD for being gay or trans, etc., is nothing less than a cult. Her parents are definitely shitty people for doing this, but their church is also perpetuating horrifying social control mechanisms that are tearing up families and

In the short term, this is a sad situation for her. But in the long term, it may be good for her to be rid of all these toxic people. You can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends, and your college. Her family had demonstrated how unworthy they are of her. Kudos to the girlfriend for being supportive

Jesus, it’s like every time the NCAA has a chance to not trip over their own PR incompetence and exhibit some human human decency, the purposely do the opposite. The higher ed system in general and most universities are really poorly set up to help students in these types of crises, and the NCAA clearly isn’t helping

Right? They're not just homophobic, they're also petty af.

Her parents also left her with a Discover bill full of charges for a recent family vacation

I call BS on this “she is part of our family” statement. If they REALLY cared about her well-being, they would have defended her against the callous NCAA ruling or offered her scholarships and grants so that she could return the money but still pay tuition and eat. They only changed their tune after the criticism,

Here’s wishing this young woman finds her own family of supportive people who will love her for who she is.

I can’t even imagine what it would be like to find out that 90% of the people in your life--including your family--are complete garbage humans.

Left her with a bill to pay? Was it in her name? If not, she should shove it down the garbage grinder (after tearing into pieces).  What monsters her parents are. The NCAA is almost as horrible.  Poor young woman!

I hope her parents get Salmonella for Xmas.

I hate headlines like this. I hate stories like this.