
“What part of “these organizations are for people who’ve been systematically locked out of equal opportunities ELSEWHERE THEY ARE & HAVE BEEN OTHERWISE ELIGIBLE TO WORK FOR 400 YEARS” do these whiny history-less morons NOT understand????

No, the toupee is wearing him. 

Racists age like apples in a tumble dryer example #35623

Living on nothing but bile and spite will do that to you.

Hate ages motherfuckers.

Ding ding ding. . . . .
And this starts with teenage boys going after younger girls as well, not just adult men. High school boys looking for middle and elementary schoolers (because they are easier to control).

There was a gang rape case of a tween in the south a bit ago where they excused it in the same way. The girl looked older, hung out with older boys and she was “fast” so it somehow wasn’t as big of a deal. 

The easy answer, of course, is we have established a system where people seeking relief are considered 1. Bad and Undeserving and therefore 2. Them, Not Us.


The fuck? I don’t even like kids, and I know that parental instinct is a big thing and that you handle children with care and you don’t wrestle a kid from their mom without damn good reason. “Sitting on the floor” is not damn good reason.

Not with a baby at the middle of the chaos - I’d be terrified to start violence. People did the right thing by video-taping but not escalating the cops, it sounds like they managed not to kill anyone only because of the level heads of bystanders. They deserve worse but the baby needed that protection. 

This is a stupid fucking opinion.

You’ve got an office so full that people don’t have chairs to sit in and you’re wasting your time playing chair police? People are the god damn fucking worst.

NYPD officers were supposed to receive de-escalation training

This is the thing. I read these stories and I always feel the same - at an utter loss. I can’t watch the video because I can’t face the emotion of it (least of all while I’m sitting at my government job) because my stomach turns at the thought of someone touching my baby, let alone tearing them away from me. My utter

I mean, I get it, because I have zero faith that the police would have done anything other than open fire on the crowd, but still...

No white woman would ever be arrested and sent to Riker’s without bail for sitting on the floor with her one-year-old. This is completely unacceptable.

Of course she’s a woman of color. We ‘re all just uppity-ass colored lookin’ to make trouble.

My question: How do we help this woman get out of Rikers Island prison? The actions of the Human Resources Administration in Brooklyn were just as disgusting as the actions of the police. Calling the cops on a woman who wanted to sit on the floor because their shit office ran out of seating? Really? This woman should

Why is she being held without bail until Thursday? She has a child and obviously is having problems with child care. I guess the state now has the child? This isn’t any different than what’s happening at the border.