
Absolutely my experience as a young girl, yes. Boys a few years older making you feel like you’re mature and special because they figure you’ll fall for it. Then, after a while, older men see you and pick up on the signs that you’ve been groomed into accepting that kind of behavior. Because it’s normal to you. And

Have any of these people considered that young girls wouldn’t be so “fast” if older guys would STOP FUCKING THEM? I know it’s natural for many girls/young women to desire sexual attention, but that doesn’t mean grown-ass men need to give it to them. 

My mom ran a daycare briefly when I was a toddler, and one of the parents showed up with their kid for the first time telling her “he only responds to spanking”. He was actually really embarrassed and explained that he had a quick temper which led him to yelling a lot; the kid rapidly grew so used to yelling that it

I’m loving this thread so much, and I agree with everything I’ve read from you. My daughter is 18, and this is pretty much exactly how we raised her. My husband (her stepdad) was spanked/paddled as a kid, and it was SO HARD to convince him that it’s not ok. He’s 1000% on board now, thankfully. I also now have a

My friend who moved to Australia from Arizona a couple years ago called me up late one night absolutely losing her shit because she’d just seen someone with a confederate flag on their car. All I really remember is her yelling something to the effect of “that’s not even YOUR traitorous history, you dumbfuck!” while I

Reminds me of junior high, when some of the guys decided I was a witch and going to cast dark spells on them. They started harassing me about it, threatening me, until I finally pointed out that if they really believed what they were saying they ought to start treating me better. 

Thank you for reminding me to rewatch 8 Millimeter. I haven’t seen it in ages, but I remember...well, I’m not sure “enjoying it” is exactly the right way to put it. Definitely one of Cage’s best.

I got mine as a gift (yay!) and it’s one of the most useful gifts I’ve ever received. It’s 9:14am, and I’m actually using it right now. 

I got mine as a gift (yay!) and it’s one of the most useful gifts I’ve ever received. It’s 9:14am, and I’m actually

My daughter was 6 when Pluto got demoted, and it was her favorite planet. She was very vocal in class about just how wrong the decision was.

This is the one thing keeping me from wearing one-shoulder tops: no matter what I wear underneath, one boob inevitably looks a good couple inches higher than the other. 

Bacon and breakfast sausage. Everyone in my house does it. 

There’s a little burger joint by us that our friend’s cousin owns, and they have a simply incredible burger with grilled pineapple. It’s one of my favorite things.

My husband and I stumbled upon pineapple, ham, and jalapeño pizza when he let me order while pretty stoned one night. Now it’s our standard, because hot damn. 

We drilled this deeply into our daughter’s head growing up. If someone messes with you, they’ve already created the scene; you’re just letting people know. 

I hope people ho it up for my funeral. I hope they do whatever makes them feel good or think of me, and I’m kinda over the top. I hope there are mini skirts and sequins and boobs and feathers and leather and too much eyeshadow. I hope there’s a bounce house.

I pretty regularly hang out around people a foot or more taller than me. I’ve done some humorous contortions to accommodate, and can confirm that is 100% not what’s happening there. What’s happening there is “oh shit, get off me, he’s not letting go, make this end, I might scream, where is Jesus when you need him?”

Omfg “that’s just how he is” go jump in a lake of fire. I was out having a couple drinks with my husband and some friends one night when some guy I’d seen around a few times walked in. He sauntered up to me and promptly grabbed a fistful of my hair, right at the roots, squeezed hard, then casually walked away. I told

I was so irritated when I opened the door. The guy was standing there grinning and asked “did it double ring when I pushed it fast?” 😐 I said “Yeah. More than double. Now the dogs are going nuts. Thanks.” but he didn’t seem to get the hint. I mean, really? Are you 8? 

A guy came out to service our water softener at 8:30 Tuesday morning. I was expecting him, and I got up from the couch to answer the door as soon as he rang the doorbell; it’s a distance of about 20 feet. This guy managed to rapid-press the bell at least ten times before I got to the door. If I’d been in bed asleep,

Then they can continue to rot out of the public eye *shrug*