
If you were a closed system that never interacted with other human beings, then yes, your health is about you. But as soon as you choose to forego something that could easily save lives, and the effort involved is minimal, you are a selfish dick. Period.

Who is they? No one here is calling it magic, or implying it is perfect. What we are saying is that there’s no solid reason for someone without an expectation of vaccine complications to skip the flu shot, and that skipping it is selfish because of the potential for negative impact on others.

Sample size explanation:

Vaccines work much quicker that a few days though. Also if you got the flu within a day or two of getting a flu shot the vaccine would actually work better. The higher numbers of the virus in your system would actually make your body produce anti-bodies faster. To protect you from the flu all your body really needs is

Yeah there’s a lot of talking going on, it’s easy to get things mixed together. There are some negative outcomes that can result from getting the flu shot and it can be almost completely ineffective based on how the CDC guesses, but in the vast majority of the cases most people who don’t want to get the flu shot are

The flu shot cannot cause the flu. It is impossible.

Statistically it is still entirely correlation. More correlation doesn’t make it not correlation. Proving causation requires controlled experimentation.

No, sorry. That’s not what it means. What it means is you’ve reduced your and other’s risk of being infected by the flu (and being affected by the resulting complications) by half. And if you do get the flu, it’s less likely to be as severe as it would have been if you didn’t get the shot.

1) I never said there were NO adverse reactions, only that they are minimal compared to the risks of you or someone else getting the flu. You might have a sore arm or a minor fever, small price to pay IMO.

Excellent retort. Clearly I do know better than you because I can understand basic statistics. Actually I can understand advanced statistics as well but that isn’t need for this exercise.

The problem is that the point of immunizations is never just ONE person. We rely on enough people in our society being immunized so that the spread of the illness is significantly slowed or possibly even stopped (“herd immunity”). There are some people who are not healthy enough to receive vaccines and other people

I think the majority of people who say they “got the flu after getting the flu shot” just don’t know the difference between a cold and the flu. The flu doesn’t fuck around, it’ll fucking knock you out for a week (and at its worst, kill you).

I am so glad you can do your research to determine you shouldn’t get the flu shot. Be sure to tell all the doctors and people who work at the CDC that you figured it all out. 

The answer to that question is the second word of the article’s headline

So Brave!

Why? Because you live in this civilization, and should take some ownership for how you can negatively impact it. Why? For the reasons outlined in this very article. Why? Because selfish people harm society.

Because it’s like 20 minutes and the downsides are negligible, you might rarely get the flu but why play a part in spreading a disease that might kill someone else when there’s like zero reason not to? And it’s “something in your body that you don’t want” but is there a real reason you feel this way? It’s not like

It’s impossible to catch the flu from the modern flu shot. Unless your last flu shot was decades ago you either a) caught the flu anyway from a source other than the shot (it’s not 100% effective but that’s no reason to not still get the shot) or b) caught something else and thought it was the flu.

Exactly - selfishness.

Why? They have tried polite for many years, this is for the selfish assholes who need to listen up. If that does not include you then see plenty of other politely asking articles and facts out there.