
These interviews are planned to better help with that illusion! Her people talks to his people, etc... I would bet my entire paycheck that either this topic was not brought up in pre-interview meetings or it was nixed by Fonda’s people. This was an ambush.

Here’s my rule of thumb: anything Megyn Kelly says is a cold, calculated statement designed to enrich her by ginning up controversy. She, along with her more extreme cousins like Ann Coulter (I get a chill up my spine every time her name is spoken), are internet trolls come to life and, inexplicably, given a

Take the job. Be sure to cover your ass keeping a diary with contemporaneous notes of everything that goes on, both good and bad. Don’t do anything that would leave digital tracks such as logging into a computer and borrowing information that you’re not supposed to have. Did I tell you already, cover your ass, both

Thank you! Plus, if you want to talk about someone’s plastic surgery on national television, you have to be able to at least create the illusion of intimacy and trustfor both your guests and your audience.


Take the job.  Not everyone has the luxury of sticking to their values and there is no shame in that.  Just don't drink the Kool-aid and jump ship as soon as you feasibly can.  Good luck swimming in that cesspool.  Something tells me you'll need it considering their lawsuits...

My take on it. The one who’s stuck on it, is probably jealous of the other one. Obviously, she’s probably jealous of Jane because Jane stood by her convictions come hell or high water. Megyn can’t say that. She wants to be political without being open about it. Regardless of how you feel about Jane Fonda, she’s got


A friend once gave me excellent advice in this situation: The fact that they are assholes is even more reason to take their money.  They’ll hire another booker if they don’t hire you, and that booker might donate to Donald Trump. 

Take the job. There's nothing to stop you from donating what you can to worthy causes after you've taken care of your needs. Someone is going to take that job so nothing is gained by your not taking it. There's also nothing stopping you from still looking for another job while you have this one as a bridge.

I don’t think you’re selling your soul or going against your beliefs if you are just booking guests. Maybe you can book a bunch of left/liberal/rational personalities and at least give the wretched viewers of Faux a chance to be challenged, or at least raise their rage by seeing people they hate, and maybe, just

Take the job so you can pay your bills, take notes so you can be the next Joe Muto.

Sometimes the only choice is a shit sandwich or starvation.

Also, nice bit of projecting here from Megyn. She’s the one who wanted to stick it to Hanoi Jane and it went sideways on her. Now she’s claiming that Fonda’s reaction was political? Bitch please. 

A THOUSAND TIMES YES!!!! I love it too. And it’s not me choosing to face a “bad” situation positively. I actively chose to be single because I like it that way. I’m not interested in having to balance my life decisions against the needs of someone else.

TIL that hubs and I share an anniversary with the Obamas, a fact that I will cherish in my cold, cynical heart.

Are you fucking kidding me here? I *wish* I was single most days. There’s nothing like taking three naps on Sunday, staying out as late as I want, and having a pet.

Kelly went on “[Fonda] answered that question in about 40 different forums. It was nothing wrong with me. And she’s answered it in 40 more forums since!”

Every time I see the Obamas:

I wish more single famous women would talk about it. A lot of people in relationships refuse to accept the notion that single people could be as happy as they are. It’s not a contest.