
I think a lot of it has to do with who goes into the church in the first place. I think you also get a lot of paedophiles - gay and straight - who are raised religiously and who go into the church in the hopes that it will also cure them of their condition. Or, more perversely, paedophiles will go into the church

I don’t think forced celibacy creates abusers but I look at the way anti-sex conservatives talk about sexuality and I wonder if their view of sex creates abusers. They usually discuss sex as a control, that one side is trying to take it from someone who is supposed to protect their sexuality. They talk about virginity

I hope they clean those sexbots better than a hospital surgery room. The lawsuits and controversy from sexbot transmitted diseases could be the death of the business.

1. Let people masturbate without judgement or shame.

I’m trying to imagine having to sit next to him at a dinner party and I’m pretty sure within five minutes I would have poked forks into my ears.

My synapses had an allergic reaction to this tomfoolery and my brain’s all stuffed up now.

This is one of those experiments where AI “wrote” a book, right? Right??????

Yeah, I’m not particularly fond of, but in this case I think they’ve got the right idea. This guy is the blogging equivalent of the guy at a party with a ukulele explaining feminism to women and expecting cookies for dating someone who isn’t a size zero MPDG.

I am now 1000% on’s side.

I took cartography as an undergrad and we did not handcraft any diaphragms.

Jesus. Did he just learn what alliteration is?

What manner of pretentious, pseudointellectual fuckery...

He even leans into alliteration in a distinctly adolescent way.

Oh no... that guy thinks he is SUPER smart, and also that he’s doing the world a favor by dating a curvy girl, who by the way is smoking hot by ANY approximation.  You don’t get a special award for recognizing someone hot is hot. 

I have no idea how he knew that I called my dad “The All-Knowing Cartographer”. That’s just eerie. (Although it was really my mom who sculpted my diaphragm. Credit where it’s due and all.)

For fucks sake, I had less angst as a 16 year old. Kill it with fire.

As a male survivor of childhood abuse I know this is wrong. I understand your frustration but this statement is not based on any sort of reality. 

I respectfully disagree that “a man will never be doubted when coming forward”. You mention the Church, which has covered up and brushed aside countless accusations from both men and women, boys and girls, because the accused was a member of the clergy. And it’s not just fellow priests who will defend their brethren’s

That’s what I never got about accusing people of witchcraft--if you think a person has evil powers and is allied with the Dark One, wouldn’t you NOT want to piss them off?

Honestly, anybody who responds to the allegations that people like Louis CK and Hardwick have faced with a comment along the lines of, “So what — we get in trouble just for FLIRTING now?” are 100% definitely sexual harassers.