
I got in-school suspension for “chronic tardiness” my freshman year. I rode the school bus 20 miles every morning from my tiny rural town, and for whatever reason completely outside my control, it was frequently late. I kept telling my first hour teacher, but he refused to believe that a bus would be consistently late

You know Mrs. Potts was just amazing about the whole thing, bringing her tea and hot water bottles, gently singing her to sleep.

Yeah, I think having her pump out babies was an integral part of the package for him.

But gee, maybe if your son were just nicer to those other kids we’d all be safe /s

Pretty much this, yeah. I don’t get the appeal of the job, it’s not something I think is needed, and it sounds just terrible to me. However, it’s something she probably dreamed about for years, and undoubtedly worked incredibly hard to achieve. She’s made who knows what kind of sacrifices to get where she is, just to

Let’s see: passionate, dedicated, clear on his goals, driven to create change for a safer country...yep, sounds like a pretty good role model to me.

I saw QOTSA open for Nine Inch Nails about 14 years ago. Some guy in the pit area flipped them off (rude, but not unusual, and the NIN crowd wasn’t exactly stoked for QOTSA) and Josh Homme lost. his. shit. Started yelling at him like “Fuck me? I’ll fuck YOU! I’ll take you backstage and fuck you in the ass!” It was

I’m 34 and my daughter just turned 18. Having a kid at 16 wasn’t what I’d planned, but at least my parents were dead set against me marrying the “father”. I think we turned out alright. No plans to go clubbing with her.

I was always amazed by the girls who felt the way Kristen did about Lester and his “relationship” with the daughter’s friend. I won’t deny that I enjoyed the attention of slightly older guys as a teenager, but old enough to be my father-let alone actually being my friend’s father-was unthinkably gross. Watching AB as

I was an overly-empathetic kid with a single mom, and I absolutely hated the idea of upsetting her or getting into trouble. That story made me so anxious thinking about what would happen when their poor (single as far as I could tell) mom came home to all that destruction. She must work really hard to make their home

I thought I’d hate the game and had already kinda written it off as edgelord nonsense. Then a very close, very old friend showed up with a couple bottles of wine and begged us to humor him. Everyone involved fell out of their chair laughing at some point in the evening. We all did our best to skip the most obvious

My mom is so squeamish about piercings, so terrified of something going wrong, she took those instructions and fucking RAN with them. At the same time, she knew absolutely nothing about piercings or aftercare or anything, and I’m convinced she did way more harm than good. My first ear piercings were perpetually

I’ve considered something like these. My bottom holes are stretched to a 0, but there’s still a lot of real estate in some places. I’ll chat with my guy when I go in for my follow up in a couple weeks.

The gun really does cause more trauma to the tissue. I’ve had skin get pinched between the post and backing multiple times, resulting in tearing and bleeding. My daughter and I have both had the gun get caught on the stud, and getting it unstuck was miserable. The posts used in guns are thicker and less sharp than

And you know kids are dutifully twisting away at their studs with their grimy playground hands

I have five going up each lobe, all done at Claire’s before I knew the importance of a professional piercer. The top and bottom holes are level, but the middle three are all off. Two of them on one side are practically touching, and there’s a huge gap below them. I’ve been leaving them alone and hoping they heal up

Yes! I’ve basically adopted all her friends.

It was a BLAST. I wish I could find the pics of the cake I made her with a fondant camera and cassette on top and Razzles stuck all over. It’s still one of my favorites.

My daughter is so obsessed with that movie it was the theme of her 13th birthday party. The 80s exploded everywhere, we played the soundtrack on a loop, and every time Thriller came on everyone stopped to dance. We burned copies of the cd to put in goodie bags with brightly colored scrunchies and Razzles. We’d have

My mom was/is a little obsessed with good penmanship as a reflection of the person and it continues to irk her that mine is still so poor. It helped that at the time she had recently started dating a highly educated, successful man from a “good family” who happened to have atrocious penmanship. I’ve mever asked, but I