
All I took from that video was that he learned ugly chicks are people too. Congratulations?

I’ll admit I struggled with some pretty serious anger issues as a kid. I started getting in fist fights in kindergarten, mostly sticking up for bullied kids. It’s been a long hard road from there to (mostly) functional adult and, from what I hear, pretty good parent. The anger still hits, the desire to lash out

I feel you so hard. Ive had to explain to my husband that if I sound dispassionate in a tense situation, it’s because I’m feeling *very passionately* and trying to keep my cool. I don’t like saying regrettable things in anger; things that may derail and cause an entirely new conflict. Sometimes I need to separate my

I’m currently taking a break from red hair after almost 20 years, primarily because I’m goddamn sick of jackasses shouting “Hey, Red!” at me. I do not miss that. Don’t shout at strangers. Don’t call strangers weird nicknames. Think before you open your stupid pie hole.

To start the conversation. Because the phrasing they use now doesn’t protect them. Because the phrasing she suggests doesn’t expose them to risk. Because she wants readers to be aware. Because she cares. Any number of valid reasons to write an article. Also, she isn’t telling anyone how to do anything. She’s making a

They can say “X number of women say they were assaulted by Harvey Weinstein”, the issue is that they don’t. That’s the point of this entire article. Journalists could be using that language, but they aren’t.

I’d be more concerned about the sugar.

When I was in high school, traveling somewhere with my family, my backpack tested positive on that swab test for explosive materials. Luckily I was a white girl with her well-heeled parents, so they believed me when I said I was just taking chemistry in school and waved us through. I was lying; I’d taken chem the year

I was in there looking for a lipstick a couple weeks ago. I decided to let one of the employees help me out for once because it’s what they’re there for and I’m not always great at this stuff. Not only did she wipe all the testers off before swatching, she swatched on her own hand. If I thought I liked something,

Bet you can get even more if I run interference.

Many years ago, I realized one day I was a little late but before I could really start to worry I got a super heavy period so just figured things had gotten thrown off a bit. It wasn’t until months later, when a friend described her own early miscarriage, I realized what must have actually happened. Luckily for me,

Hooooly fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. That gave me chills and a pit in my stomach.

My husband and I have been together over ten years, and he still sometimes says things like “I really want to kiss you right now”. Not because he feels like he needs to ask, because he likes telling me so. It’s sweet and, yes, romantic.

My husband and I have a similar tactic. It’s depressingly heartwarming to see that look of “oh shit, thank you”, and I’ve met some really fantastic women.

I mentioned it in response to a comment which brought up the kind of cis hetero dude who uses lines like “I have a feminine spirit” to imply they’re incapable of misogyny or abuse. Again: did you read the comment to which I was responding? I’m not conflating or comparing non binary people with men like this, but I do

Did you read the comment to which I was replying? I wasn’t talking about Sam Smith. If Sam Smith is non binary and feels just as much a woman as a man, great for them. I hope they’re happy! I really do. I’m just not sure why you decided to jump on my ass over a comment that was not about Sam Smith or non binary

He did not claim to be non binary, he specifically identified as a man, a fact he told me himself when I asked. He told me “I’m a safe guy, women can feel totally comfortable around me because I have a feminine spirit”. A couple hours later he walked up, grinned in my face, and grabbed my hair by the roots. After my

You harlot! Sexy, sexy elbows.

Laughing so hard because I’ve heard this crap from so many douchey assholes. Including the guy at the bar who later grabbed me by the hair so hard it hurt the next day. But he totally has a feminine spirit, so women should feel completely comfortable around him!

I quoted you verbatim, your post is still there to reference, don’t try to change your wording now. It’s disingenuous and everyone sees through it. Furthermore, you seem to revel in splitting semantic hairs. School and work are public places. Work is also a “professional” setting, but it is public, particularly when