
“when women experience sexual assault and harassment, it seems like it is rarely in a social setting”—what?

“Hey, glad I’m not then, you might feel even more compelled to talk to me!”

It feels tempting, but it just makes them feel like they have an in. I dragged myself to the grocery store the morning after my grandfather died, looking every bit as wrung out and deflated as I felt. Some dude: You should smile, life isn’t that bad! Me: My grandfather just died. Dude: Aw, I’m sorry beautiful, a smile

*barf* Yep. “Aw honey, you’re so pretty! Why don’t you smile?” Because some creepy motherfucker just skeeved me the hell out, how’s that?

Maybe stick to “I just went off on something that I shouldn’t have, and I apologize profusely. I regret it so strongly.” Then shut your face and go away for a while.

My senior prom we went bowling after. The next year I went with my friend to his and we hit Denny’s. Some drunk dude proposed to me in the parking lot. Then we got kicked out of a park by the cops.

My daughter is a senior, and prom at her school is definitely considered more of a group event than a couples thing. Most kids go with “dates”, but most of them are just friends. If a pair wanted to sneak off for sex after, everyone else would be like “Can’t you do that any other time? We want to go to ihop.”

Her and the blond he’s got in the headlock. Internally screaming. I feel ill.

I’m so confused by the addition of this as well. He was asked about that scene, he accurately described the nature of the scene, he indicated it was uncomfortable, and stated that he likes mutually-enjoyable, consensual sex. He’s spoken many times about the difficulties of filming that and other scenes and the ways he

I think right now we actually need some “me too”-ism, as long as it’s, as you said, “me too, and this needs to end”. The more voices we have in that chorus, regardless of gender, the stronger the fight. This is a massive problem that needs to be dragged kicking and screaming into the light of day.

My husband once told me “You know, when you’re ‘dressed to kill’, you look like you might actually kill a man. Don’t get me wrong, I fucking love it, and it’s gotta be good douche repellent.” And it is.

I was missing half a math credit due to the way my first high school arranged classes, so despite my grades and test scores they would have made me repeat freshman year. For half a math credit. I suspect it had more to do with wanting an additional year of tuition and my standardized test scores, they were real big on

No, don’t shut up! I am loving every bit of what you’re saying. I was a voracious reader from a very young age because my grandmother was. She read hundreds of mystery novels, sometimes one a day, and displayed her collection prominently. I’ve read tons of “trash”, but I also devoured a ton of heavy classics. I had a

Oh my god, her poor knees! That’s all I can see here.

I was pretty surprised by all the “omg!” and glad I didn’t have to be the one to bring it up. It’s really pretty rude. I would never say “omg she reduced to a B, that’s so tiny, she must look so weird” because it’s just mean. When women like us see breasts like our own being called ridiculous, or freakish, or “just

I’m about 5’2”, but I have broad shoulders, wide hips, and thick thighs so everything balances pretty nicely. Conversely, my daughter is 5’8” with a super slight frame and her 30DDs look pretty large. It’s all about proportion and balance.

Right? I’m 34G and while they’re large they aren’t OMG LOOK AT THOSE MONSTERS huge.

She was extra freaked out because she’s known this couple for over 30 years, their kids and I were inseparable growing up, we vacationed together, and she’d never known them to own guns. It was like your sweet aunt Sue opened up her cake carrier to reveal a loaded .45 at thanksgiving.

One of my mom’s old friends came to visit her for the weekend a few years ago and stayed in my parents’ guest room. While mom and friend were out to lunch on the second day, mom realized friend had a rather large hand gun in her purse. Just hanging out in there next to her reading glasses and pack of Kleenex. She said

You do remember correctly. I was just telling my husband about the crossover last night after we watched the trailer.