You're a blithering fuckface and a pathetic excuse for a commentator on this site.
You're a blithering fuckface and a pathetic excuse for a commentator on this site.
Don't know about the worst, but i can give you the best car commercial song.
They are a sign of end-regime decadence like vomitoriums.
"The Raptor feeds primarily on border hoppers, a species that originates from the northern portion of Mexico. It is active for several hours at a time, and it has no natural predators."
We have no problem with influx of population, in fact we'd all apprechiate it if you kindly left from dec to march
This will aid in my favorite Utah pastime: getting the hell out of Utah as quickly as possible.
thats not a state, its a hat
profitable. It means Profitable.
He's NOT the Stig - He's the Stig's BDSM Partner!
At that time magnesium alloys were hardly weldable, now you can for sure. I just sent my Campagnolo ragno wheels for an x-rays cracks check, after they will go to a weld shop to fix all the problems.
Better question is "Why is this Bugatti riveted like THAT?"
Answer printed on the brochure: To better slice open the carcasses of the poor as they slide over the graceful curves of the coachwork exemplified in every Bugatti offered to the discerning member of society.
The GT40 is worth 10x as much as the GT and the GT70 isn't on my want list.
Why is it so fucking difficult to figure out a replay system? The NFL finally figured out some of the problems with theirs and made SOME automatic challenges to prevent coaches from losing what little they have. If a call is obviously wrong get it right. That's the point of replay. Get a war-room like they have in…
My guess is they are turning the site to be a mobile friendly site and don't care that mobile technology is heavily dated compared to our modern PCs.
"We apologise for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible have been sacked."