
Nope. That argument went out the window when Trump was elected.

Once sessions cracks down on dispensaries I fully expect Cal to become a rouge state. Perfectly fine wit it too.

Well Blue States could also try to remove the 438 representative limit

That look when you know the house is more comfortable than the field.

yeah, I noticed she went with the actor’s, not the character’s, name there.

so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...

You don’t want to know...

What... what are they planning on doing with it?

This is absolute gold ; ‘but I wish him well in the competition,”. Drops mic and walks away with Olivia Munn.

Your photoshop works great.

Love how all the articles and videos that talked about this are using the wrong floppy disk images.

If any of you are questioning whether this is safe for a baby, I am confident Zyla would tell us she died doing what she loved when she gains the power to speak in the next 2-3 years.

Searching for it...

Exactly, the divider is the last line of defence, your bulwark against the rampaging hordes, your rock, the only hold you have on your sanity whilst flying coach. Do not relinquish the divider. Do not raise the divider. Unless, you are traveling with your spouse IN WHICH CASE YOU DOUBLE DOWN ON THE DIVIDER. HAHA. GOT

I love you because I am you. I am not above acting like a complete idiot to get my way. I was a window seat on a flight once and the dude in the middle seat kept manspreading into my zone, with his large hands perched atop his knees. As soon as the seatbelt light went off, I dropped my tray. When it stopped 75% of the

Some people can’t help invading your space due to size, and that’s just the risk you take when you fly.

I was once in the window seat of a row of three. There was a gentleman in the aisle seat. As the boarding process ended, it became clear that the middle seat was to remain blissfully empty and I felt immediate relief, until the gentleman picked himself up, scooted over, and started to lower his ass into the vacant

Also, unless there is an empty seat between you, NEVER push up the dividing armrest. It is down for a reason- my space on this side, your space on that side. This is a sacred and powerful divider. Even if parts of you are spilling under it and squeezing against my thighs, I can pretend that it impossible because the