
I mean, his excuse would be a lot more forgivable if Ben Daimio wasn’t named Ben Daimio, which is a word that specifically means “Japanese feudal lord.” Especially since not all artists can really draw Asian people — some artists tend to simply draw white people all the time, so if you see an Asian character drawn by

Who the hell has the time-

Wage disparity plus high cost of living in nicer areas plus year-round tolerable weather in the Mediterranean climate areas of Southern California. The state is also very large with a diverse amount of needs, has a very high population density in a select number of areas - San Diego area, which El Cajon is in, seems

It seems heartless at first glance, but I have to agree with the city’s policy. You let people give out food, and suddenly everyone’s going to want to be homeless.

You do know that people kinda bragging about their whuppins are doing so because it allows them to trust that their parents meted out this abuse for ‘good’ reasons and that said parents loved and sacrificed for them. (Which they probably did, but its hard to conflate love and abuse.) Some of this is people not wanting

First Megan McArdle tried Michael, now these cowards (which I say given that Zaid was too scurred to mention you or The Root directly, and Fang FOIA’d you instead of reaching out; you know how afraid wypipo are) tried you. The keyword here is “tried,” because you both dropped all opposition. Thank you for

You have to love how white people learned nothing from Obama’s too successful as fuck campaigns, and are still spinning the wheels trying to appeal to the same wypipo who just elected the most openly bigoted president in these here modern times.

Ugh no don’t use the medicated shampoo. Shower cap full of olive oil or mayo overnight, repeat in two days, repeat in a week and boom, done.

It’s a known fact that the medical profession tends to underestimate the pain felt by their black patients, female or male. The reality is that the profession doesn’t view black folks in the same way they view non-black folks. It’s no surprise to me considering that Silas Weir Mitchell, the man who inspired many

Its the same, but its safer for players, blizzard gets a cut, and it reduces gold seller’s customer base and thus reduces bot farming, and account stealing.

It’s been amazing watching Republicans simultaneously arguing “the free market” should be allowed to do what they feel is best for themselves while simultaneously getting really pissed when said free market tells them to go fly a kite.

Law & Order is my jam, and can I just say that Mariska Hargitay is my hero. Not only does she work on behalf of real life victims with her Joyful Heart foundation, this is a woman who has held a long time leading role on a hugely popular series for over fifteen years. For a woman in show business that is

Nikki Haley is just Sarah Palin with the ability to express all the batshit insanity she believes in coherent sentences.

If you keep doing what you do you will get what you got.

What a lot of people defending this need to realise is that black students, especially in areas where there are few of them, will let these jokes slide or even participate in them, claiming it’s all in good fun, and they’re not bothered. In reality, we feel compelled to go along with the joke and “not cause a scene”,

Louisiana (my home state) is like family. You love it no matter what, but there are times it embarrasses the hell out of you. Although I am not surprised. Sports bring money to the university, and science does not. Money good, education evil. Idiocracy is here, no matter what you think. It’s ain’t Trump’s fault, it’s