
Municipalities around the US will literally buy their homeless citizens plane and greyhound bus tickets out west. It’s well documented. The mild winter as well as robust social services and healthcare make it attractive. Add on top the cost of living and the unwillingness of CA cities to build affordable housing or at

Always my preferred Trek, it was on-air when I came of age and starting learning about how the world works and what people do to and for each other. Home to top 3 all-time fave ST characters and most of my top 10. Only negative thing, I had hard feelings about <Spoiler> getting killed off, but I got over it eventually.

So completely immoral, using a cheaper type of marble or glass in their city's buildings would probably cover the cost of safe working conditions. As if they would miss the chump change to put in some portapotties, water coolers and worker clinics.

Some coroner trying to be political. Probably neglected to catalog a heart defect because it didn't fit the story he wanted.

Once you've uploaded to a computer, you've ceased being human. Unless the virtual environment can adequately simulate the endocrine response system and brain chemical balance that shapes who we are as a psycho-physiological entity. The computer would have to maintain a virtual nervous system at all times on top of

You forgot plastic surgery in Mexico, dumbass. Facial recognition tech is not going to be fooled by a beard and a mullet.

Need to fix neurological degeneration before this is made available. We are already feeling the political and sociological effects of a longer living older generation.

I love the subversive statement and layered metaphors paired with stunning art concepts. Crybaby looks like a splash of spilled milk.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I still have this picture of five smart guys from Somalia or some other non-developed nation who see the opportunity to change the world. To turn the world upside down. Military applications of molecular manufacturing have even greater potential than nuclear weapons to radically change

Jennifer's a hoot like always and Jon hit the nail on the head remarking on her ability to firmly establish herself outside of a huge franchise at such a young age. Especially when many of her peers would be ecstatic with just a decent franchise.

Thanks for this article... an hour after my driver's license photo was taken at the DMV.

In solidarity with Snoop Lion, he has taken on a new moniker and now refers to himself as Emineminem. It stands for Marshall Molly Mathers.

I realize the world doesn't revolve around me. I also realize some people easily forget this applies to them as well. I give someone a lot of rope as far as monopolizing a unique machine/cage, but at a certain point you start messing with my workout because I'm doing shit entirely out of order waiting for your

Excellent piece, Lindy. A great example of speaking "to" your ideological opposites and not "at" them, even though you're shredding their arguments to ribbons. Something that is sorely needed in other arenas of social and political discourse.

Liu looked stunning in that dress. The hair had to grow on me but I think different earrings, smaller or more nature-inspired, would have made it come together more.

Given the chance to "re-roll" with a middle to upper-middle-class, chronic-disease-free starting point, would you prefer SWM over all other combinations... or not?