
That's kind of the point of this...
So you must avoid all other movies, books, and otherwise where a character coughs, chokes, or wheezes?

I'm not seeing a different model... Just different expression, lighting, and angle.

Is it me or have the visuals in these games simply NOT advanced since 1998?

If that's the one with Bane in it, I have to agree josh anime. I was bored to tears throughout most of it. I preferred the one with Heath Ledger's Joker.

(I don't remember the names... I wasn't a huge fan of the trilogy and Christian Bale's over-acting as Batman threw me off.)

Naked, you say?

I like it. It was a bit of a shock to log in and see a different beast, but I'm used to it now and I kind of like it. I HATED the last revision (the "Current" version) they did.

It got rid of a lot of the things I didn't need in my face all the time. There does appear to be something off about it, I just don't know

The decision to use this color palette wasn't a limitation of technology; they chose to use this palette, regardless of their reason - that's art direction.

Color palette = art direction.
You're viewing the advertisement through a video service, thus the resolution you are viewing isn't native to the game. On top of that, it's pixelated... You can't argue the resolution too much.

Animation frame rate is an aspect of graphics, so I'll grant you that. It's better to be

It isn't "graphics."
It's art direction.

So... I really need these guys to make an animated full-length feature film. They have some of the most impressive CG I have ever seen.

Also, I have always thought Batman looks a LOT better without his cape. I realize it's a part of his image... But I maintain my point.

I captured some footage to show you what it's like. Note the major stutters at 0:04, 0:11, etc., and the minor stutters throughout. That's not YouTube. It's the game.


Customize your phone to make it harder to use: A few months ago, I had my jailbroken iPhone confiscated by a bouncer (long story). With a custom lock screen, app icons (not to mention the fact I removed app names), and all the default apps removed, the bouncer couldn't get access to what he wanted on my phone without

That is not a genuine smile emoticon... I can FEEL the frustration behind it.

I'm sorry, but if you read the directions on the back of the box, on the labels, on the caps, or WHATEVER you'd know this.
For every new product I buy, I read the basic direction to get an understanding of how this one is different from others. = /

You bring up far too many good points than I'm capable of responding to. D:


That's exactly how I feel. I don't hate the style, by any means, but it isn't indicative of what we actually had outside of being pixelated.

Often I find that they only made the game pixelated to reference old games without the aesthetic adding anything to the game, which frustrates the designer in me.

"It paid off, though; the game's title sequence has been nominated for a gong at SXSW's Title Design Awards, and is the only video game to make the grade."

I came for the Persona art. I left for the lame ass article.